I like to call my self observant sometimes, I pick up on little signals and the little things that people do that just kinda play over in my head till it pisses me off enough for me to gradually lose respect for that person. I always hate to burn bridges, but recently and old friend of mine, who always says he hates how society is in that everyone is labeled instead of being known as an indvidual, he had recently picked up an illness know as "head-up-assness", a very serious condition where the person is filled to the brim with bullshit.
Though he doesn't know it, or maybe he does, he labels himself all the time, and with different labels too. Somedays he's a 'punk', others he's a goth, and somedays he feels like denouncing his religion. I've compiled a list of what he likes to call himself depending on which people he likes to get attention from.
-Gunk (what the ********?)
-Computer genius
so there you have it, he lives in the steriotype that you're a punk if you skateboard, but really, the definaiton of a punk is that you don't care about your image and/or don't care about school, etc. now, if he didn't care about his image, he wouldn't have labeled himself in the first place. I hate labels, but what I hate more are people who label themselves, and even worse, people who say that they hate labels then label themselves. Labels are like names, even if you don't like them, other people give them to you. The only reason someone might have for labelling themselves is to get attention, right?
He also seams to live in the stereo-type that you're a goth if you listen to slipknot and shop at Hot Topic. No one has a definate definition of what a 'goth' is, it's just another label, just another group of people starving for attention. The thing about goths and punks is that it's just another fad, you see people all the time dressing in huge baggy pitch-black clothes trying to look dark and disturbed, but really can't give you a reasonable explanation to why they where it except that it's 'cool'. Goths and punks used to be all about hating the mainstream, now it IS the mainstream.
I was especially offended by the next on, anarchist. Now wouldn't you think it's ridiculous to call yourself an anrachist when you scarcely know what the word means? I even broke it down for him, the prefix 'an' and the word 'archy', basically means 'anti-archy', and archy means a system of government, so it means you hate any system of government. He got the idea that it meant hating the law, and cops and s**t. I was offended by it because my father happens to be a cop, and he said, quote, "Me and my friends call cops pigs and spit on their shoes", and really, cops had never done anything to him, besides "Telling him what to do", well, have fun without cops in a world where getting raped, robbed and killed is legal.
I don't wanna touch on religion or anything, I happen to be pretty religious, I'm catholic and out motto is, "Everything you do is wrong". But, plenty of time for atheism and agnostics in hell.
"Gunk"...I'm not even gonna say anything about this one...I guess it's a mix of Goths and Punks...yes, let's create more labels, "Mr.'I hate labels'".
Sometimes he likes to step up and 'help', with the computers at school all the while acting like a know-it-all, but ending up making the problem worse, like I said, another way to get attention.
Though another thing about the anarchist thing...when you're 14...what are you going to do to help the 'anarchist movement', I guess him and his army of teenagers are gonna go collapse an intricate system of government that he probably doesn't even fully understand...oh yeah, they could always hang out with their other anrachist friends and not obey the law, not quite break the law, but not obey it. Hipocrits...
"Look at me, I have a skateboard, that tells you everything about me and how I act, I'm a punk. Oh, and look at me, I'm listneing to Slipknot and wearing black clothes, you can see through the appearance and read my thoughts and my personality, I'm a goth. I hate poseurs and stereotyping..."
Me and him are friends again now, all the harsh feelings and hate is gone, I'll know better now that if I've got a problem with someone to shut my ******** mouth. xp
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