Hey everybody! Once again I am back but this time I am not bored just extrememly happy.Why? If you must know....I just just..to tell the truth I honestly dont know why I am happy. BUT!! Yes BUT! Today outside it's sunny out and that means that the snow is going to be melting into pools of water to run down the hill into the river! Oh that was just so creative.
My birthday is next Monday. March 7th. That is let me see.......only 4 days away! YIPPEE *dances around the room in circles* Then I shall be fifteen.
Speaking on new things happening in my life. My dad is going to be moving out of Vancouver and most likely into Penticton. His friend got a house there and he had said the it could be OUR (yes mine wahahaha) Summer home if we liked since that it is only 2 blocks away from the beach and the airport is right there so I can go flying. Plus my dad can get is pilots lisence. Also right beside the airport is the river to go tubing down. I cant wait.
My friend Brittney, she used to live in there and we had this big converstation about all the stuff we could do there and how she could show me around. First I would have to talk to my dad about bringing Britt with us though. If that doesn't work then she is going to talk to her family to see if they could back to Penticton and spend a couple of weeks there visiting old freinds and what not. We got so exited about it, we didn't even notice that we had been talking about it for OVER a hour when we were supposed to be watching a movie. I think we were gonna watch Ella Enchanted.
Speaking of people, I'm supposed to go to Peachland this summer with Amanda Jefferson..AGAIN!!! We had such fun that year. There were some parts were I would of loved to kill her right then and there but it was still a good two weeks. We had met this guy named Mat and well, ever since then Amanda and him are super close. I never really liked him all that much but that was back then. I am ready to except him as a friend. He is a little scared of me though...for some odd reason...<.< >.> I never ganged beat him. Hehehehehe. But yah so I'am going up there and chillin' with them for a couple of weeks ((Hopefully)). I am going to have so much fun this summer!!!
Well all this talk about Amanda brings something up to mind. More and more lately I have been hanging with Amanda, Amber, Erika and to my suprise Cass. We were the origanal gang back in elementry school and now we are back together which I am really happy about. We know everything about eachother ((good and bad)) But the sad part is that my other friends that have no liking for this group of people at all, get really bitchy when they are standing by the locker and I start talking to Amanda or Erika or anyone of the Origanal Gang. I dont know what their problem is but yah.
Take Jess G for example. We are at our lockers ((which are pretty close to eachother)) and Amanda and Cass will show up. Amanda will ask how I'm doing and what not and then we will start talking about Mat or Jake or Aaron or someone that we know or met from the summer. And well all you can hear from Jess is the something along the lines of "OMG what a b***h I stab you " you know alot of "I WANT TO KILL YOU" type of things. It's kinda funny in way the way she does it but still. And then she asks me why I'm friends with her and what not or she tells me how much she hates amanda when Amanda and Cass have left. Yes I used to hate Amanda for a period of time becuase she did all this backstabing stuff..BUT she had learned her lesson...and boy did she ever get it. So now she is alot nicer and what not. Still the same in the old ways. Cass...I have never really held a grudge against her. We just sorta drifted apart. She hasnt changed all that much really ...just more drinking and what not. But its all good I guess. LOL
I know Jess has a major problem with them but whatever she cant make me choose my friends (*I say with a large smile on face*) I am who I am and I like who I like and no one can change that. That's the way it has always been. I have always had another group of friends hate another group of friends. But I'm down with that but if they hate MOI for it then they need a big realistic check that the world doesnt revolve around their ecotistacal selves.!! Im glad I got that out!! ^.^
But so everything else is just marvalous I must say. My CD burner is actually working now. With a few hits here and there it just started working!! Oh and another thing I have lost so much weight. ALL of my pants are to big and I can fit into shirts that I have had since gr. 5 >.< I guess the whole running the dump road is actually working and so is tennis. My upper strength is improving too.
By the way I am in Tennis now. My backhand sucks badly but I have a wicked serve and really good hand-eye coordantion. My racket is alot smaller than all the other rackets but I myself am small and the racket I have is the perfect size for me! I have practices on Monday and Wednesday from 3:10 -5:00 pm. Its really fun actually. Not alot of girls in it though. Katie came in it with me. I didnt really wanted to join alone but either way I still would of join. Tennis and Volleyball are just my sport. Basketball used to be one of them but I'm not to sure about that anymore. I might some one on one down at the park with some buds or something once all of the snow melts and the heat builds up, but other than that I havent played since last years big Hoops for Heart tourny ((which we got 1st place in)).
WEll nothing else is new with me...well at least not that I can think of at the moment. I think I am going to go for a run in like 20 minutes.
My takes me all the way up town. It used to take me 1 hour up there and 45 minutes back. I had started this just last summer. Now It takes me 30 min or less to get up there and 10 minutes to get back. I think its a really good work out becuase its all up hill so you got to work harder and you need to use all of the muscles in your legs and then on the way back you also have to use your core muscles to help you balance going down hill and you still use all the muscles in your leg becuase your travelling down hill. Sure there are some flat spots but not many. Cody Waugh gave me the weirdest look one day becuase he saw me running, and well alot of people dont expect that I would run on my own time. ((but I am a very good athlete though so I am picked to do alot of athletic stuff)) I may be short but I am speedy as hell.
But anyway I should go running now.
One last thing I must say:
((Yes today is my mom's birthday!!))
Well catch ya later!
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