After a time of the great sword of the legends. The time has come to begin the power of the disign that was meant to fall upon this world. Even though that these pages never expected to fall into human hands. The Book Of POWER still resides within the temple that was set foot upon my ancient hands. Even now the power gathers from the far regions of the unknown to finally rekindel its lost fire of the night. Darkfire becoming even more powerful the one of his two loves resides within the world of humans to this day. Even though the story is unclear of all the thoughts ever built upon, the grand weapon still exists within the neither regions of space and time consuming all darkness beyond divines reach. The demon that fell in love with two people at a time to finally realize his grand demise of power. The dark blade at this very moment still lives within the dark abyss as it was placed.
The time warp of these tree lovers combine to create their own world of mind causing them to rip them selves from reality into their own way of living. Still within the natural world the body exists to this day within the supernatural study program of the United States of America. Hidden from all humans who try to do it harm this body existed. Still experimenting on this demonic form the other two remain out of reach of humans within the astral influance of time. Still..within this bodies resting place a world unlike ours is unfolding and where our story begins.
Deep within the dark mind of the demonic body rests still the three lovers of magic. The demon Darkfire seemed like all others except for his unwilling desire and passion for the two others. The Dark Angel, Nakara and the Dragon Keeper, Raven.
It seemed to be a perfect world except for the devouring abyss at the bottem of the endless see. The water black as night even during the day. As the clouds above the great mountains blue. The grass just as green as ever flowing with its earthy energy of power. The trees glowing with the purple aura of divine creation. Even though these three still had connection with the human world their lives remained as they are within the subconcious knowing of the demonic form left behind over eons of battling between the positive and negative.
Through the years of such it was dug up and found in a coffin made of dark design and magic, chained within an underground tomb beneith the city of Tokyo. All wereabouts to this body was writen in a scripture unknown to all langauges and even to the very moment of it all the humans could never find the words to discribe the symbols placed upon this ancient monument.
The tree still exist today within this body, within the world of demonic creation. The body pulsating with a demonic aura still showed some life, as the reason it was taken in to the United Nations to find the source of its history and why it came to be burried under the city of Tokyo.
Inscribed upon this coffin was the ravens circle which allowed the body to stay alive during that time of hybernation. It seemed as if a few scientists cracked their way into the the images of the bodies mind to find just what exactly was happening. Upon their gaze of the techno screen emerged the world created by the three lovers enjoying their eternal life as one together. Even though it was interesting to them to see three beings excist within one body they traveled elsewhere within this mind being unseen be the residence only to find the temple of which the great sword was forged. Upon entering they were granted the knowlage of this place origin and the story behind of why these three and the sword was placed within this mental mind.
It turned out to be a prison almost but under control over the three to do as they will. The ancient ways of the three races combined into one langauge unreadable with out a sutible source. The symbols go to translate "dark blade of power rests here, to disturb its resting place will mean the down fall of all worlds and turn them into nothingness."
The researchers were baffeled at this idea to actually see this sword in its true form existing within this world. Their final the usual was to extract the sword its self and use their must advanced technology to find out what down fall of the world befall them if the sword was to be used. As, only the spirit of the sword truly knew its purpose of being within this body and mind. All attempts have failed to this day but one final test is being performed to finally extract the sword of, Darkfire.
The scientists pushing the lazers against the body of the demon like water does rock. Finally the dark flames spueing out of the solar plexus area of the body to reveal the dark sword. At long last the fate of the world rested in their hands as they carried it off to another part of the lab to study it.
In the excitement they left the body unattended and what they didn't know was that the three lovers had awoken from their slumber within the body and had now taken control over it. Nakara, first entered the conciousness of the body so she was the one who controled its movements. The others...put within the back part of the brain.
She thrusted the limbs of the body upward to release it of the restraints on the table. As this happened they all turned around in amazement to see that the demon had awakened. She pushed them out of the way to grab the sword. The sword glowed with a dark but very blueish color. She then grabbed the sword and attempted to put it back in the body. Upon doing this the two other souls excited the body. Her soul left and, Darkfire entered. The sword then allowed the two missing bodies to be formed from their memories. The wings appeared from the souls to make a cocoon of them selves to make solid forms. And in so doing the two were born of energy.
Darkfire turned to the scientists and used the blade on them to only find that the energy of their bodies was sucked into the sword. Their bodies wasted away like they were nothing. The sword its self had now corrupted, Darkfire and so he had an evil plan to do this to all who stood in his way to be king of the enitire universe. He lifted the arm with the sword in his hand and was pushed upward by the force of which he now commanded.
Givin his recent god-hood he made a volcano appear right in the middle of the United States! There with the sword he used its power to carve a gaiant castle to which he would rule from. He gathered the clouds and smoke as the news and athorities arrived at the scene. Shortly after, Nakara and, Raven arrived flying to the castle as the news crew got it on film.
Nakara and Raven tried desprately to convience Darkfire to surrender the sword. He refused and made the volcano become active. They both explained if he was to do this he would distroy everything, even his own self. But he didn't care, the sword had already taken over him enough to make his conciousness slip away. At one final moment Raven restrained him and the sword with her magic. Nakara then tried to grab the sword from him while raven had him occupied. In the recklace fighting...Nakara was stabbed and raven came to her side to try to heal her but the swords magic was to strong. With that, Darkfire realized that one of his loves was hurt and dropped the sword. Then the sword began distruction upon the world by involving all elemental forces. With out a master its power grew out of control. No one could touch it. Raven then took action and touched the two to reveal the ever lasting light within all three of them. They merged into one light as one. They all agreed to save the darkness brought upon this world. With Raven's magic they returned everything as it was and the peoples lives that were lost. All because of the power of kindness within them to save the others.
After the darkness cleared it is said in legend that they became human and lived their own lives on earth with other humans they cared about. But always with the three they would never forget what they had done for the world in secret no one would know but them. They lived on as everyone else with healthy lives.
And what became of the sword you ask? Well...thats another story.
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