It seems alot of people misunderstand love in so many ways. No one really knows the secrets as they sit there wondering but never come up with a suitible answer of how everything works. I my self have wondered it and came up with some ideas of how it works and what everyone does in relationships.
Forgetting Your Friends For Your Lover
Now everyone seems to have friends and play around and do whatever. When it comes time to actually find a lover people leave their friends and find them unimportant because they have to be with that one person. So then the friends become disconnected with each other and as such causes them not to be friends any longer.
I have done some research on the word friend and I think many would find its history interesting. Here is an entry directly from
Word History: A friend is a lover, literally. The relationship between Latin amīcus "friend" and amō "I love" is clear, as is the relationship between Greek philos "friend" and phileō "I love." In English, though, we have to go back a millennium before we see the verb related to friend. At that time, frēond, the Old English word for "friend," was simply the present participle of the verb frēon, "to love." The Germanic root behind this verb is *frī-, which meant "to like, love, be friendly to." Closely linked to these concepts is that of "peace," and in fact Germanic made a noun from this root, *frithu-, meaning exactly that. Ultimately descended from this noun are the personal names Frederick, "peaceful ruler," and Siegfried, "victory peace." The root also shows up in the name of the Germanic deity Frigg, the goddess of love, who lives on today in the word Friday, "day of Frigg," from an ancient translation of Latin Veneris diēs, "day of Venus."
This explaination of the history I believe is what a friend is. So friends should never leave friends because they are just like a lover even if there is no physical contact it is and always will be the same thing in that word. 3nodding
Finding A Person For You
It seems alot of people like to go out and just try to search for their lost loved one these days. If they just stopped and tried to make their own life with out looking they would find a person who cares about them so much. Its like this saying "what you seek is within your grasp but the act of finding it maybe your last." Basically don't search, it will come to you if you deem it such.
Everyone fights even if they hate to admit it. Behind closed doors or out in the open. Many friends do it and then that causes them to break apart. I say that just because you disagree on something doesn't mean you still can't be friends with a person or still go out with a person. Arguing is simply difference of opinion either in a way of life or what is going on in life, or on a certain subject that both oppose each other on. There are many different types of reasons why people argue, those seem to be the main reasons. I believe that if love is eternal then friendship should also be eternal, as well with the love shared between just two people. Always forgive each other because even though you fail you learn from your mistakes and move on, and that is how we learn from one another.
The Connecting Bonds Of Love
This happens to everyone. When you fall in love or become great friends with someone or many people there is always a bond that you share. There is invisible cords that connect us all, even if we have never been together. It connects from our minds onto the physical plane making it possible for one to find another by the heart of feeling. This cord stays connected as long as the two or the more keep their hearts open to each other...and then that bond will be eternal.
Returning The Love
It seems that alot of people just expect a person to talk to them. Only when you give love toward a person will that person give love back to you. Its a simple rule that has always been since the creation of us all. When you give you recieve the love in return. So always show compassion towards others as when you do you will if not always get the same love you have givin back and that is the greatest gift anyone can give.
The Golden Rule
This rule is simple. Do unto others as you would do unto your self. In this princible treat others as if you would treat your self. If you treat your self badly then you will always most likely treat others that way as well. Treat your self with respect as you are also a person and can hurt your own feelings with your own thoughts. Show to your own self that you are indeed like the others and deserve just as much love from your self as others do from you. When you do this, it will be easyer to show love to another person. This one rule will make you have great friends. 3nodding
Giving Up On Love
I am only going to say this once. NEVER EVER GIVE UP ON LOVE OTHER WISE I AM COMING TO YOUR HOUSE TO GIVE YOU...a big hug. heart
If you give up on love then thats it. Its not love that gives up, its us. If you open your heart to someone and show them that you care then most likely they will do the same. If not then they still have problems of their own to deal with. If you give up on the love then there will be no love for you because your heart will be closed. But love never gives up on you, it can't. Always remember this like never is eternal, forever more.
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