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The_Crazy_Cute_Girl's Journal
Stuff That Happens In My Life
3rd February: Feeling Ill
I'm feeling ill today, blocked nose, inflamed throat, & a cough. It's not what I needed. I've been pissed of recently, I bought another Studio Ghibli Film for my Collection entitled "Only Yesterday" but when I got home I found out that the film hadn't been dubbed into English. So the next day (Friday) I returned it to the shop I bought it from and exchanged it for another Ghibli Film entited "The Cat Returns", the cashier guy was also a big Ghibli fan to my amazement, and we talked for a while about Ghibli until I left the store. The film was really good, so it was a good buy. I also went back to school following recovering from depression. Everyone was happy to see me, but I'm not going back full time yet.

That's all for now, the next journal entry will be made soon

The_Crazy_Cute_Girl ^^

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