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The_Crazy_Cute_Girl's Journal
Stuff That Happens In My Life
12/8/08: Plotting Revenge Is Ever So Sweet
Over the last week, I've been planning my revenge. My Little Brother Alan, is blackmailing me to do ALL of his homework over the summer or he lets a secret he knows about me out to his friends, the school & the world via internet. Being ill over the last week with a sore throat has left me time to devise a plan with my friends what to do to get back at Alan for all the time he made me waste over the summer.

Here's the plan:

1: I'm going to organize a sleepover with my friends

2: I've told my parents that they can go out of the house & enjoy a night together away from the house. Making sure they aren't around to interrupt

3: We're gonna make sure that Alan is in the house at the time, lock all the doors & windows so he can't get out, and then we will be making a little sissy out of him

I've given him makeovers when he's been sleeping before, but NEVER whilst he's been awake twisted . This will be a full one, clothes, make-up, everything you can think of. His long hair will be what we're gonna be aiming at more than anything He hates it being touched by anyone other then himself, his hair will be put up in some girly ways & he'll wish he never grew it out to send a message to the headmaster about the lack of gender equality. I'm gonna turn him into the little sister I never had whilst growing up, and he will hopefully learn his lesson about messing with me again

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