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EbonElixir's Cerebro Files
I'm new here. Basically going to talk about my life experiences....good and bad. I hope U enjoy!!!
biggrin Today is Wednesday which is comic book day biggrin . New releases come out. Going on my lunch break. Why is it that people who work at comic book stores are so geeky. I mean , I understand having passion about a subject. But they take it too the next level. I would come into the store in a middle of their conversation and it sounds like they are talking about a real person. Come to find out they are talking about a comic character. One guy in particular reminds me of the charachater in the Simpsons. blaugh Theses books are getting so expensive too. I remember it was 1.00 for a comic book. Now its 299-4.99, and its a bunch of advertisement. Oh well, I need my fix. I get so much from reading my comic books. It actually aspire me to workout more at the gym. Never think my body would be as perfect as the artists draws them. But thats what I picture when lifting and exercising rather than the muscle guys U see in the magazines.

Reading Harry Potter, book 4. The Goblet of Fire. So addicting razz . Reading at such a fast pace. Can't wait till the new book arrives. And the movie is practically around the corner. Its a shame that the movie can't include everything in the book. But it did a decent job.

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