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EbonElixir's Cerebro Files
I'm new here. Basically going to talk about my life experiences....good and bad. I hope U enjoy!!!
Its 2:16. I'm at work and I'm exhausted. Picked my truck up from the dealership. Crazy about paying for maintenance, but it had to be done. I need to know a good mechanic. Have a new gym partner, Craig. He's cool. Short in stature so U know he's going to develop more quickly. He's what 5'5 and I'm 6'3. Need to get into better shape, my clothes are fitting snug. cry

Getting excited for vacation this year. Its either Egypt or Brazil. Maybe both if the price is right.

Hereos come on tonight. biggrin I love that show. Be at the gym, but will record on the dvr. The best inventions are mp3 players and dvrs. No more carrying cds. No longer tied to my couch to watch a show. biggrin

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