The sun had set long ago, yet you remain perched on the porch, staring in the direction of where the sun disappeared from. Your eyes reflect the light of the lamps being lit to ward off the dark, but your gray eyes' expression doesn't change in the least from this occurrance. Without so much as a blink of the eye, a strong wind blows, ruffling the shadows and taking with it the breath of the flames- causing them to extinguish. By this time though, the people had already entered their homes to sleep or do what people do beyond our yard. The bushes that billow up around the premises distinctly showing the beginning of our territory, and the end of theirs. Though the gracious dark does extend our domain at night, allowing the horrific tales and night creatures to extend into homes and drain energy to live off of for eternity. As long as we have our domain.... I'll sit there next to you... A memory of your's from your past. A time when we held in the evils of the world for our people only to be warped by it. To be thanked, but in the end used and expected from. We happily bore with the pain of the truths of this world, and we banished the evils to the dark, but in the end it took us with it... And parts of ourself were sacrificed.... My body, and your soul... I'll stay with you as long as our domain remains for eternity or longer. Light might hold us at bay, we were the ones that taught them of this, but flames are easily extinguished... And shadows are easily found- in night or day... Light just helps to measure the strength of a shadow. I may not have a body, but that doesn't mean I can't sit there next to you, enjoying the plentiful darkness that coats everone's dreams for a lifetime of repentenance... stare Yeah... This is something I made up on the spot, let's call it a filler, kay?
bluevibes · Fri Jan 26, 2007 @ 12:26am · 0 Comments |