Class field trip to the amusement park (Freaky, a must read) |
Yeah, I'm a guy and this place-- I may be only in elementary school, but this place--- I want some action! It's a rather big place with a lot of rides, but I want adventure--- The rides I can go on are kiddie stuff and I didn't come here to just pig out on junk food, though that's always fun. Me and my two other friends decide to explore-- Yeah, yeah, yeah, meet up at so and so at such and such a time... Yeah, don't go where you're not supposed to--- Alright already, we get it! Me and my friends race off acting like--- Well, you know, boys. Racing around people is part of our duties as kids... Another one is of course getting into a mess of trouble but, it can't really be helped now can it? "Boys will be boys!" Well, at the back a bit, near where the woods begin (the woods are, OF COURSE off limits to customers at the moment) Not only that, but a shut down/under constuction ride is there fairly similar to a fun house or a haunted house or so. Yeah, it EXPLORATION time! There are, of course, people that work there stationed around this section just in case as well. So.... The woods are fun and all, but they're just trees. We sneak around the back of the ride and find a small back door that we slip into before one of the employees catch us and hear our adventure begins! Of course it's dusty and not very well kept, I mean, it IS under construction! We're going through it, playing around and such, when we get caught in a weird light. THe scenery changes and suddenly it feels like we're going at high speed- There are purple blocks that look technical but are floating in a kind of whitish purplish fog like area and excuting electrical charges to eachother. Anyhow I don't notice if my friends are with me or not, I can't tell, I'm too focused on where I'm going- which seems to be at high speed straight through, but honestly, I can't tell if I'm actually moving at all or even standing or whether everything else is moving around me. All of a sudden I'm on what looks like a silver reflective marble- it's shiny and all, but for some reason my own reflection doesn't show. All I can see from my position is- I can see myself on the marble half- my figure and I can another figure of a man some distance away from me on the same marble I'm in a kind of omnipresent state though I ee myself on the marble (the marble- only half is there that you can see and the same goes for the marble- like half ball above) I ask him something and he asks me something- a yes or no question. I don't remember the question, but I smiled in an egotistical maybe even self deluted way (you know how kids think they are invincible) and answer yes. The area disappears and I am suddenly in what looks like a treehouse sorta setting. The man has a go-tee and looks like he's in his twenties or so ect. though he does have grayish kinda longish pony-tailed hair though not too long. He says that he'll take care of us (my friends are now with me but, of course, I am the leader of our little group) as long as we finish our jobs. He tells us we already agreed and can't get out of the contract now. We do many jobs, like killing certain people that come here- the weapons look like toys and it's fairly fun and we're pretty good at it. At the same time the bus leaves without us. The amusement park and buses are very stict about the scheduled time the buses ect. leave. None are allowed to be late or early, they must be right on time. The teacher decides to stay behind (there was some others that came along to help manage everyone) to look for us and bring us home as well. She thinks, wait, no, she KNOWs that we were probably up to no good or doing exploration in areas not allowed, so she ends up after looking for a bit at the woods and enters that- What a coincidence, the people seemed to be looking for a lost kid (which they found in the fun gym where all the balloons were, she was wearing red corderoy overalls and one of the younger helpers found her) The teacher goes in there and finds these blue flowers. one of them- she's attracted to. It starts talking to her and she starts chatting with it, asking if any kids ran by ect. They get along great- like soul mates- The flower looked almost humanish since the end of it's petals went togather at the end and were red and looked like lips- in the end though- The flower says- You're not pure enough and opens it's petals to expose a beak within and pricks the teacher on the chin with it- she dies. In that area there was a score board and different group names. The blue flower says- rack up another one- and the number dial changes below one of the groups. I start to get tired of the missions and being there, I start to miss home. Me and my friends all agreed it was time to go. It felt like we'd been there for years. On our last mission at the end of it- we start going for the entrance which also holds the exit- oddly enough, though, we get split up and only I make it- I call my parents and dad comes as well as a police officer. I hadn't even been there overnight. The officer speaks of people who have seen different dimensions and describes them in tune with what I saw. My dad also said he heard of that--- Just what's going on here? If that's so, why hasn't this place been shut down? My friends didnt' make it. Even little toddlers were doing dangerous jobs with much skill and maneuverablility. Back at the Clubhouse, that guy was massaging this chinese looking man with that whispy long kind of go-tee, mustache combo very thin and long, (he takes care of the people, took care of me and my friends, but one mistake, well, you weren't allowed one. My friends had chickened out those two and had gone back, I don't know what happened to them) the gray haired guy was massaging him, right? He massaged him around his neck and then his hands looked like the fingers went and like fused into his neck- the chinese guy was surprised but only his facial expression changed, no sound or movement otherwise occurred. THe gray guy said- You are no longer useful, and pulled his brain out through his neck, but blood didn't get ever where, it seemed like the brain was just moved out of him disconnected- the opposite of how it looked when the man's fingers seemed to fuse in/into his neck. The chinese man, apparently, died. I want to go home. THE END
bluevibes · Wed Jan 24, 2007 @ 03:23am · 2 Comments |