Anyway...enough with that. On to...
The Weekly Writer: Flight (Week 5)
What would happen if you could fly whenever you wanted? When would you use this ability?
Oh dear god I would LOVE this. Talk about never worrying about gas prices again...except when it rained, of course. I always used to dream about flying, I mean like ALL the time. I'd always have to get a slight running start at it and then jump and it would be like I was swimming in air after that. It was always like that in my dreams. I never could fly very high, either, but it worked. And it was awesome. I wonder why in every dream where I could fly THAT was how I had to do it. Kinda interesting when they were all the same, huh?
Anyway, on to what would happen if I could fly whenever I wanted...well, it would be just that, I'd do it whenever I wanted! Screw driving for 5 minutes to Starbucks or my boyfriend's house, I'd totally be up for flying. I hate driving anyway, but that's a whole other entry in itself. If I could fly, and others could as well, meaning that it wasn't an odd occurrence, I'd do it all the time, sometimes to probably see just how high I could go. Like when you're on a plane...I LOVE the window seat because I get a kick of seeing what everything looks like from way up high. It never has gotten old to me.
Realistically though, if I woke up one day and I could fly, I'd probably only do it at night so I didn't end up on the cover of the Weeky World News. I probably, sadly, wouldn't venture much farther than a block or two away from my house. As much fun as I think flying would be, I wouldn't want to be found out and treated like some freak.
I think it would be sad, actually. I'd honestly want to fly all the time and wouldn't be able to. I wonder how it would actually affect me, would I be depressed all the time? Would I be all crazy and secretive? Or would I just be able to handle myself? I can't honestly say. I could speculate on it but even though I know myself pretty well, I don't know how I would react in that sort of situation. I wonder how many people actually could say they'd know exactly how they would react and be completely honest.
...Still think it would be awesome if it was exactly like my dreams were, though. No one ever seemed shocked that I could fly, but I don't remember them having the ability either. I can remember how liberating it felt though, and how scary it was at the same time. Like I said...makes me wonder a bit with the fact that although each dream was different, the flight was the same.
Community Member
>.o Haven't quite worked out how it wouldn't involve gas though.