My god alot has happened since I last updated this. My life has gone like woah. OK that dosen't make much sence. For starters lets just say my families financhiel state sucks and we were homeless for a while. Stressing over that and trying to keep my mom and sis from fighting drove me off the deep end.... I keep saying this why? I'm so close to insain it's not funny. I'll be perfectly normal, calm and colected one moment and crying or acting totaly pissed for no reason the next. I'm unpredictable, I'm not even sure what I might do when. That scares me.
Anyway lets get to the good stuff. I asked the guy I really liked out he said yes. After about two weeks of weiredness and unsurity we got together at nekos(the other jinggirl) party, and we kissed. I love him. I want to spend as much time with him as I can. I'm happy just beeing near him, I don't really need more, just knowing that he loves me and being around him cuddeling with him. That's all that I need to be happy. Untill I meet him I was kinda borderline suisidel emo. Now I'm happy and hyper looking forward to tomarrow 'cause it means I get to see him xd .
OK so yeah on a different note: I'm trying to save up enough money to go to blue lake fine arts camp this summer. 3nodding so far I'm not doing so hot stare I swear I'll give it my all this is one of the things I want one of them I'll fight for! I won't back down!
~Sasuke Kaiba~ · Thu Jan 25, 2007 @ 02:17am · 0 Comments |