I feel sick, I have a temprature of 101.0 I slept more than six houres during the day today, my head hurts, my throughts soure, I almost threw up twice, and I have chils in the summer. This is just great. I go to blue lake in less than a week and I'm sick. I'm cought up in a love triangle. Actullaly more than one. Jojo likes me, Neko likes me, and Tori loves me. I love them all but I love Tori more then either Neko or Jojo, but Tori is at least a hundred miles away and I'm forbiden from talking to him, and he's kinda annoying me at the moment. He keeps saying the same thing "I love you, I miss you, it's not fair that we have to be appart, my life sucks with out you. I'm having emo thoughts with out you." at first it made me feel a littel better to know he's thinking of me, but now he just needs to get it together. He's not going to get anything going for him if he just sits around moping at he fact that we aren't together. He's doing exaticly what an inmature teenager would do, no matter how many times he says he and adult it's his actions speak for him. I can see what people were saying now. I love him and I'm trying to help him mature and see what I'm talking about but it's not getting through his thick skull. I love him but it's because we didn't think every thing through and yeah we were inmature with what we did and we have to face what comes from that. He says that he is but he's only facing some of it. Oi I'm running myself in cercles(sp?). I don't feel good and I'm making my head hurt more than it did I need some one to tell me what I should do.
I really am lost and every thing hurts right now. It hurts to think of Tori, it hurts to think of leaving him, of him leaving me, it hurts to think there are two other people who care about me the way he dose or at least close to it. It hurts to think that my life veary well might not get better. It always gets a little better before I lose more than I ever gained and I'm back to having nothing.
Ya know what really sucks? If I'm sick on the day I'm suppose to leave for blue lake I can't go. If I don't get one more shot I can't go so I have foure days to get better or I'm not going to blue lake.
~Sasuke Kaiba~ · Thu Jul 19, 2007 @ 04:20am · 0 Comments |