Occupation:M-Mechanica Officer/Cosm Energy Research
Appearance:Baggy Camo Panst,a fitted T-Shirt that says"Sans Cosm",and a green vest.He always wears a skull belt and goggles,either on his forehead,or over his eyes for protection.His hair is a crazy Lime Green,SPiked up all over the place.
Personality Traits and Specifics:Lectrist likes speed.He's always fast.He rides a super-fast hover bike,thus needing goggles for his eyes.He's pretty impatient,and lacks the time to think before he acts,often getting him in trouble.He is a flirt,and loves his alchohol and women,especially women,although has no girlfriend,he tends to be attrctive.Lectrist was a friend of Takashi's when he was a bandit,so he's just as sneeky and sly.A good sense of humor to top it off,Lectrist is the perfect ladies-man.
Weapons:Gauntlets and spiked shin guards.He thinks himself too fast for weapons.
Alternate Form:

Lime Green M-Mechanica Uniform.This gives his thrusters on his head,back,and feet for flying capabilities and Mach-Spees.He weilds two small energy sabers,and can launch balls of pure elctricity.
Fast and free,Lectrist loves life and his friends,especialy Takashi,whom he hadn't seen in years.So when you see a flash of lightning,that could be him.Think about that...