Age:Recalls being 18
Occupation:M-Mechanica officer/refers to himself as a "scientist"

Tight red pants,a black under-shirt,red jacket,and a wide red headband.His right sleeve is always cut off,and his right arm is usually wrapped in a red ribbon.His hair is never combed,so it's always crazy looking.
Specific Traits,personality and abilities:Takashi grew up a rogue bandit,due to his bad childhood,giving him sneaky and quick abilities.He was born with the ability for his body to adapt to any substance or changes that entered his body.His arm was cut off recently,and he was given a mechanical arm by an uknown scientist.
Usually abnormally happy,he tends to act more like a child than 18,but he enjoys every bit of life.His hot temper gets him in a lot of trouble,but he's still quite strong and extremely inelligent.He has no fight style,but is great at fighting nonetheless.Quick,agile,and sneaky is his forte.Quick to judge,and quick to attack,Takashi is still wild,and not one for following rules.
Weapons:He always carries three daggers:Two he uses for battle,the last,a fine black handled blade,was given to him by someone very close.He also carries various tricks and traps,,which aren't all really deadly,but more totally annoying or confusing.
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