1: If the sorting hat said there was a mistake that you came to Hogwarts.I'd look around, nod, and then walk to Dumstrang with the Sorting Hat still on my head. The Hat might be right, y'know!
2. If you got sorted into Slytherin.Go around and mentally assess people- Most likely become the phsycologist of the group. They'd all be mean to me outside of the common room, and everyone else'd feel bad for me, but I'd help people out of their issues. Or become top dog and show them what a REAL Slytherin is. The other possibility would be to just act normal and go crazy in the end, participating a lot in the schemeing department.
... "Let's put lotion on their door-handles!"
3: If you got sorted into Gryffindor. Scream. Really loud. Then, I'd get over myself, slap people everytime they turned 'Gryffie', and tell them to get ahold of their egos.
4: If you got sorted into Ravenclaw. I'd be the complete odd-ball. One of the wiser ones, not necissarilly bright in the smart department, cunning but strange. [/shifty eyes]
5: If you got sorted into Hufflepuff. Go 'gangsta' for a day, celebrating, and then teach those wimps a thing or two about personality, loyalty, and individuality!
6: If Ron fell in love with you. I'd smack him in the face and yell, "That's not cosher/cannon!" and stomp off. [If he actually flat-out told me. If he just acted like it then:] "Dude- What's wrong with you?"
7: If Draco fell in love with you. Smirk at Harry and ask, "Y'know what this means?" before flouncing off to the lake and diving in. [See if Draco follows.
But seriously, who DOSEN'T want to swim in a freezing cold lake?! : D]
8: If Harry fell in love with you. I'd start laughing like a maniac and tell him that I should have seen this coming, and tell him to get serious, and off of girls. "Life's too short to waste time on me, Pot-head."
9: If Cho fell in love with you. Smile sweetly and tell her to join Cedric. (With a 'I really don't give a darn' smile, the 'No, seriously, "AWAY" eyebrow/ eyes.)
10: If McGonagall punched you. Nod, rubbing my jaw, muttering, "You're getting better... Now, try with your right hand."
11: If Hagrid fell in love with you. One thing comes to mind: Run for the hills.
12: If Fluffy tried to eat you. Break out the pressure points and mad-fighting skills. Or make friends and start singing, 'Praise, praise, praise the Lord.'
13: If you started barfing slugs. I'd stop. Grody.
14: If Draco asked you out. Say, "Sure." in a mildly distracting voice- Freak out the night of, and end up bringing my friends and Harry.
15: If Harry asked you out. Start swearing a blue streak and then obliterate his memory and run.
16: If Hermione asked you out. Glare and scream, "Honestly!" then stomp off, yelling, "This is not cosher/cannon!" over my shoulder.
17: If you had the Philosopher's stone. Make funky jewlry and give it to my friends without telling them. Or simply destroy it, if I actually knew what it was.
18: If Draco was your biggest fan. I'd love it.
19: If Dobby was your biggest fan. I'd hate it.
20: If you could bring as many pets as you wanted to.I'd have all four pets aloud in Hogwarts come with me. Let them wander around, and feed them. Like school hobos.
21: If you had to become a young Death Eater. I'd laugh. Noone can MAKE me do anything. Most likely would kill Voldemort, take his place and kill Harry. (Pretending to be Voldemort.)
22: If Moaning Myrtle fell in love with you. I'd say something nasty about her being flushed down the U-tube, and then tell her to join Barty Crouch Jr. on Dr. Who.
23: If Hermione punched you. Look at her and laugh. "Is this the part where I'm supposed to pretend to reel over in pain?- Draco was right- You really do punch like a girl!" and knock her brains out with one punch.
24: If Harry knocked you off your broom. Grab onto his and knock him off. God knows I wouldn't have a Firebolt!
25: If Harry fell off his broom.Cheer, but save him at the last moment, laughing about how his face looked as he fell. And then drop him once we were about 4 feet from the ground, and take off (with his broom), still laughing.
26: If Dobby jinxed a Bludger to follow you everywhere you went. I'd keep it as a pet. Unless it was after me in a bad way, then, I'd turn it into an egg and break it, fry it, and eat it.
27: If Trelawney offered you firewhisky. Tsk her, and say that sherry's more of her thing, take the firewhisky, and make some awesome firewhisky stirfry.
28: If Hogwarts's named was changed to Hobomart. Head for 'Cassandra' and ask where the flamingos were. [Inside joke]
29: If Draco poisoned you. Roll my eyes and eat a besor. It couldn't be that bad, anyways... Not to mention, "This is the grossest thing I've ever eaten..." when I do eat it.
30: If a basilisk was in your common room. A.) Turn to stone/die/paralized B.)[If it were there, and I wasen't in yet, and HAD to go in] Slap on my reflective mirror goggles, grab a weapon and leap in (backwards) with a mirror, just in case...
31: If you caught McGonagall and Trelawney kissing. Walk away as fast as I could.
32: If Neville gave you a Remembrall. Gently put it back in his hands and say, "I think you need this more than I do.", or ask him to sign it.
33: If Harry gave you his Firebolt and all the gold in his vault. Ask him why, and if he said he'd kill me if he said, then I'd just be happy and take it.
34: If Dumbledore and Draco were going to die, who would you save? Everybody knows Dumbledore isen't dead, so, would it matter? I'd save Dumbledore, if they were actually to die.
35: If Hagrid and McGonagall were going to die, who would you save? I can't think for the life of me HOW I'd save Hagrid- So, as much as I'd try to save them both, I'd save McG (m'homie!)
36: If a Blast-Ended Skrewt blasted you. Sheild myself and blast it back, yelling obsenities all the way.
37: If Rita Skeeter wrote an article about you. Hunt her down and shove her into a ink-pot as a bug and threaten her life. Then have her write another article dissing herself, and while she was asleep, stick them with Spell-O-Tape all over her walls.
38: If Buckbeak broke your arm. He'd have to have a drn good reason to...
39: If Buckbeak let you ride him. I'd freak out like a fan-girl, and after a minute, regain myself, act like nothing happened, and have the time of my life riding!
40: If you found Draco and Hermione kissing. Turn around and walk away. As soon as I'm out of ear-shot do the Napolean Dynamite "YES." and then walk on without any other sign of - anything!
41: If you found Dobby and Hermione kissing. Obliterate their memories.
42: If Snape was pushed off the Astronomy Tower. Charm a large amount of pudding on a mattress at the end of his fall, maybe a snapped bunji-cord on his left-ankle, too...
43: If Draco was pushed off the Astronomy Tower. Watch with mild interest, and then send a Canadian goose Patronis to save him.
44: If McGonagall gave you detention. Roll my eyes and grin at my friends, who were caught with me.
45: If you weren't allowed to go to Hogsmeade. I'd go anyways, if I felt like it.
46: If you could enter in the Triwizard Tournament. Heck yes! How cool would that be?!
47: If Umbridge gave you detention. Turn her into the toad she is and set her loose in the Forbidden Forest. (And snap her wand.)
48: If Voldemort died of old age. I'd laugh. Really hard.
49: If you could kill any witch or wizard, who would you kill? Nobody.
50: If Neville kissed you. I suppose, kiss him back?
51: Who would you ask to the Yule Ball? [/smirk] Either Brian Chang, or the Giant Squid.
52: If you got bitten by a snake like Arthur Weasley. Get healed, and have impulses to kill every snake from then on out.
53: If Tonks fell in love with you. Scream "Not cosher/cannon!" and run away.
54: If Sirius didn't die. Then, I wouldn't have known that he was going to die, and it wouldn't make a difference.
I'd stick to his side like glue.
55: If you had to live in Grimmauld Place. RE-DEC-OR-ATE.
56: If Dumbledore told you he was actually the Wizard of Oz while under the influence of Veritaserum. Yell "I KNEW IT!" and complain about the bad special affects. ("Honestly, you're a WIZARD, for Pete's sakes, put a little EFFORT into it, would ya?!" wink
57: If Snape tried to poison you. Well, I'd be dead then, wouldn't I?
58: If you could pick to be in any house. Sparklypoo!
59: If you caught Harry and Ron kissing. Scream "Not cosher/cannon!" and coconut 'em. (Head-smack)
60: If you had to battle a dragon to pass OWL. Make friends with it, and make it poise to give up, and then buy it 4 gallons of ice-cream afterwards.
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::shrieks triumphantly::