I just wanted to say, this is what I posted, and wondered what y'all thought.
I want to see which house I would be in.
What Makes a Ravenclaw?
Maturity: 7/10. I usually swat my family 'round the head when things get out of hand. Rude, uneeded comments and actions are usually delt with quickly, when I'm around.
Logic: 7 1/6 /10. I usually think logical, and find reason for most of my actions. But when things seem beyond my reach, or I let my hair down (Which I do often.) logic is useful, but underated. :Smirk:
Ability (not just in Academic subjects): 8/10. I have the will-power of a bull. I have the ability to continue pushing, even when it seems pointless. I push until I solve and make things right, even when it lands me in trouble.
Thoughtfulness (ie thinking about what they say): 9/10. I think of how people talk, behave, and treat themselves. I take note, and see from their perspective when they are in a situation that need help in.
Curiostiy in the World of Knowledge: 10/10! Heck yes.
What Makes a Griffindor?
Courage (not just in fighting): 8/10 I think I have some. I stand up for the underdog, nobody has the right to shove each other around. No bulling around me, thank you!
Bravery (as above) ??? Need specific definision...
Selflessness: 6/10. I put others before myself because who knows when I might need a helping hand later on...
Rebeliousness (NO not breaking all the rules but not being afraid of it) 9/10. I'm not held by hieharchy of popularity, and do what I think is right.
Lack of Fear in dangerous situations: 10/10. I'm the voice of reason and experance in this region of things. I've been tested, and I'm sure.
What Makes a Hufflepuff?
Loyalty 10/10. At least, I think... I've never left anyone behind, as far as I know- Just call me the cavelry. (Spelling sucks.)
Helpfulness: 6/10. I try my best to ease situations to an understandable, and even simple point. A point at which can be easily dealt with, or orginized into easy and small steps for those who don't want to deal with complicated things.
Slightly Shy (ie Quiet) 4/10. I only tend to be shy when I don't feel like myself, or trying to get a whif of someone's colors.
Thoughtful (Amongst other people):7/10 I think that I at least give a second thought to my original feelings and thoughts before I open my mouth. But as long as I'm stait and honest, that's all the thoughtfulness I need.
Gentle (Not bolshy and bossy): Personally, I have a different def. Strenth under control. I tend to take the reins when things go slack, when things run into caos, but, that's just how I am. If that's bossy, then that's me.
What Makes a Slytherin?
Cunning: 6/10 :Eyebrows: Yessss.
Disregard for the Rules: 8/10
Determined: 10/10 Grife, yeah.
Driven: 9/10 Once I'm set on it- It's all the way or bust.
So, what house do I belong to? Please PM me you oppinions.
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