Today was a s**t sandwich. The morning was good, afternoon bad and then good again at night. The day went by fine in school. After school...oi. I had to go to work right after school. I worked there until about nine o' clock. Friday is the busiest day of the week. Stupid work. Anyhoo, my friends showed up cause we were going to the movies. I feel bad for having them just wait there, but there was nothing I could do. They said it was okay. I hope they were. Anyway, I finally get off work. We go see Eragon. Awesome movie if I must say. The book was bad, I think. I read the first page and got bored. Well, whatever. Screw the book. The movie was kick-a**. Well, I'm sitting here waiting for my brother to get out of the shower. I have to wake early tomorrow and go to school. Ew.