I Can't Wait!
Ah, I can't wait for tomorrow. Well, for one thing. Everything else kind of sucks. Tomorrow, I get my class ring! Ahhh! Well, that's the good news about tomorrow. There is a lot of bad news though. Like a lot. Well, a considerable amount. One, I have a Chemistry test which I haven't studied for. I will in a minute. I've got to finish The Crucible for English. I've got a couple of pages left. No biggie hopefully. I think that's all. Well, no. I have to read for History. 19 pages total. @_@ And I have to go to work after school. Ah! Well, more good news is, I'mm going to the movies with my friends after work. Woot! We're gonna go see Eragon. I started reading the book, but I couldn't get into it. First page and I was done. I hope the movie is way better.