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What do you think....?
Book name: (working process)

Its the year 2020. A group of teens, and a few adults, wake up in a science lab, dark and mysteriuse. They have all gone through genetic testings, each with atleast one animal imbued in their DNA. They find that they have spent years in the lab, with no memory of this time. They realize that humanity will not except most of them, so they escape to a place that no one will bother them... but along the way they learn there may be a cure. Will the group of mutated people Choose a haven or more testing to go back to their normal selves?

User Comments: [2]
Community Member

Tue Jan 30, 2007 @ 08:14pm

biggrin sounds cool!

oceans star
Community Member

Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 06:49pm

LOL that sounds like a dream I had once except for my DNA matched an alien like animal but all of my friends DNA matched animals from this earth.It was a really long dream compared to my other ones becasue it had more details in it that I haven't included.I'm still writing about it in my journal at home and it's already taken up 7 pages.

User Comments: [2]
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