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What do you think....?
well... My book Dawns Mist is about a boy who is half Sien and Half Elven, he grew up in the Elven capital and is a prince of the two races. His twin brother lives in the Siren capital, and looks like Aubrey, but has shorter hair and its red. WEll, Aubrey gets this dragon egg mysteriusly for his birthday. He also recieves a dream about a bunch of other dragons and this girl who need his help. There is a half elven tyrant ruling over the humans and trying to conquer all other races. Aubrey must travel to a far away lake and a hidden land to find a group of rebels who have tamed dragons, or atleast who are led and fight with dragons. Aubrey finds love, dreams, and a hidden strength that was beyond his wildest dreams, but from whom? All of these are from one single source, who could this mystyerius woman be?

NEW: ok, im typing it up on my computer and its comeing along great. I had written some (realy long) rough draft, but im still continur=eing that. I realized that my begining was too fast, so im slowing it down. Its hard to have a slower beggining so you can step in just right, because my favorite parts to write about are further along. im probly gonna end up writting all the scenes that I really like then connecting them later, it would be difficult, but it would help prevent major writers block.

New 2: ok, i know it sounds a little like Eragon, but its more like he dreams of her telling him where to go and he has no idea of anything about her, or even if she is real. And well, he is also prompted to leave by a girl in his village, even though she truly doesnt want him to go. Its gonna (hopefully) be one of the greatest Romance, Fantasy, Teen book there is. And hopefull the same canwill be said for the 2nd and 3rd in the trilogy ( there might be more, but I have yet to decide)

User Comments: [2]
[.Teh Werepire.]
Community Member

Wed Jan 17, 2007 @ 02:52am

Oh! I think I know.^^

[ . Ami Dark . ]
Community Member

Thu Mar 08, 2007 @ 02:19am

some of that [with the dragon egg and dreams about a girl needin' help] reminds me of Eragon ^^"

but it sounds goods! =D

I love you teddy bear heart

User Comments: [2]
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