Morgan Freeman Again?!
So, today I had to stay after school cause I had a bunch of stuff to do. One, I had ACE Team. Second, I had the extra credit thing for History. ACE Team was the usual. I missed a lot cause I haven't been to the last couple of meetings. New members and hosting tournaments and such. Anway, after that, I waited and played cards with friends before the History thing. We watched the movie Glory. It was a pretty good movie. It's about blacks soldiers in the Civil War. It had Matthew Broderick as the main captain guy. Denzel Washington was in it and of course Morgan Freeman! He's in freaking everything. It also had the guy from Princess Bride, but I don't remember his name. Oh, well. The extra credit really helped me out. I have a 95 now. Woot! Considering the test this morning, I got a 36/42. sweatdrop