Calm Before the Storm
Hmm, today seemed kind of an easy day. It was mostly studying for whatever is coming up because all of the teachers are trying to get everything done before the long break. Well, in each class, I was doing something for the next class. I did Chemistry during homeroom, German during History, English during Chemistry and Calculus during English. Luckily, I could get them all done. Well, except for Calculus, but I did most of it. You know Math. It's all repeats. So anyway, the next two days will be full of stuff. Tomorrow, I got an extra credit thing for History. We're watching the movie Glory. It's two and a half hours long. Jeez, that's gonna take a while. Then, after that, I have to read for history. Tomorrow is also the History test on the Civil War. I have to read two acts of The Crucible for Friday and read a German book while doing my own vocabulary. Ahhh! I hate school. Hopefully, I can get through these couple of days and then freedom!