Apparantly, it's christmas again XD! |
And syr's being spoiled as usual! Thankyou alls for the gifties!
[Wolves of the Sea] 
It seems someone gave you a gift! :0 The box will open on December 24th to reveal your gift, so direct link and put it somewhere safe until then! &3 Enjoy and Happy Holidays from Wolves of The Sea! 8D

RainingSugar Someone special got a fur ball for you! Click here for the SS thread

please DO DIRECT LINK until it "hatches" sometime around Dec. 25th. Then, PLEASE save it onto your own server, thanks!
(if you have any questions or concerns, please let me know)
[ Frostbitten ] Someone was thinking of you this holiday season, and got you a present! And it seems to be barking... o.0;
Well, hang on to it, and around Christmas time, whatever's in there should come out.
When it does, bring it to us and we'll make sure it doesn't have rabbies gets a name and a cert. ^_^;Frostbite Interest Thread (Temporary)
Audio_Rehiko Someone was thinking of you and bought you a Audio Rhetoric SS : D  Please Direct Link or else it will not grow &3 Once it grows please save it to your own server n__n SS thread
Do not reply to this PM!
Herald It seems that someone has been thinking about you~ &3  Have a wonderful holiday season, and keep an eye on that feather! Who knows what'll happen to it...
Beriothien Congratulations! padsfootpaws has gifted you a Secret Santa from Dragonfly. ^-^ On or near December 25th, this little stocking will turn into a Dragonfly; so keep an eye on it! And when it does change, drop by this thread to name it. Merry Christmas!

Don't know what Dragonfly is? Click the link below to go to the main thread. We'd be happy to see you around! heart

Professor Cray Zee Hey there! It seems Iris_virus likes you SO much they got you a Spacenut! eek
Don't forget to direct link or your little friend might not ever pop out! Also, check the ://Area 51//: Christmas thread to see what these little fellas can do for you if you get an Appointment. wink Not to mention events that could happen throughout the holidays.
Anyway, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at ://Area 51//:!
Artsywolven Congraduations! A magical piece of parchment paper, neatly rolled and tied, flies out of no where and begins to bop you rather furiously on the head until you actually manage to grab it. |3 You'll notice that it is addressed to you, but is, at the moment, impossible to untie and open. Ha.
HOWEVER. Once it decides it feels like unraveling itself, please follow the instructions printed inside to recieve your Holiday gift, & 3 Until that time, please direct link this to your journal or somewhere where it is safe.
PS:..please don't wrinkle the parchment or use it to bonk anyone else, for the paper is magical and has feelings of it's own. It won't like it. :3
THIS.WILL.BE.OPENING.EARLY. XDDD; Please check to see if it has unraveled itself in about a week. ( December 16-18 )
Sweetest Surrender Happy Holidays!Someone is thinking of you at this time of year and wishing you a wonderful holiday season. A Chrishoom Spore has been sent your way by: ChaoticShardsOfSanity

Your spoor will grow shortly after Christmas, then again sometime in January. Please direct link to watch. Feel free to come around and chat or buy something for someone else before that.
Also, if you're still looking for gifts for others this season, we have a rather extensive list of other places who are offering gifts. <3
Mimi Da Mouse A girl with purple hair, mouse ears and tail place a box down on a door step looking down at a long list in her hand. Moving the list up she found the name she was looking for. Hold the list with one hand she fiddled with her pockets until she produced a pencil. "Ah! This one is for Syr, so cross her off the list." The girl murmered as she crossed the name and took a step back before pulling another peace of paper out of her pocket.Letter Dear Syr, You have been chosen to watch over this box, so please do with care, since there should be something comming out on the 25, I do warn you though, don't leave in extreme heat or cold, and NO peaking, okay? Love, Mimi Da Mouse  Note this is a bit big but will change probably really soon.
Crystal Ball Greetings! Someone has sent you a gift for this fine holiday season from Zoaria! It will open around December 25th, at which time you can report to the SS thread (Link is in signature, try not to lose it!) to name it following instructions that will be posted then. And no, I can't reveal who gave it. ;o Happy holidays!
Taniel Ansterh A friend has sent you a gift!  Stop by the main thread to join in the fun. Make sure to check around Christmas Day to see if your egg is one of the few that will hatch! Please don't direct link. If your egg ends up hatching, a new image will be posted in the thread AND PMed to you. heart ~ Fortunettes

Baneful  &3
The Invisible Couch ChaoticShardsOfSanity sends this gift to you:  [img]http://www.chaosgods.de/gaiaonline/ss_06/ss_06_3.jpg[/img]
The gift will open on the 25th, until then feel free to hotlink it with the code posted under the image, but please save it to your own webspace/server once the content was revealed.
Sosiqui Someone has sent you a totem from the Mozou Totems Secret Santa event! This totem will become a non-growing series child on or around Christmas. Please direct link the tag until then! smile
The Invisible Couch ~Masamune~ sends this gift to you, and the following message: "Merry Christmas luff!" [img]http://www.chaosgods.de/gaiaonline/ss_06/ss_06_2.jpg[/img] The gift will open on the 25th, until then feel free to hotlink it with the code posted under the image, but please save it to your own webspace/server once the content was revealed.
Anubii Temple Someone's thinking of you this holiday season, and they've sent you a plushie!  Something cuddly should emerge from that little pouch around the 25th. Please keep your image direct linked so you'll see it happen! Once your plushie appears, you can return to the Anubii Temple Secret Santa Thread to name it. No need to respond to this PM - send your friend some love instead! Hope you have a wonderful holiday. heart
Diadem ~*Seasons Greetings*~Someone has requested a special SS mini for you from the Tahnee Orpahange. I hope he's to your liking. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 
Presca You must have been so sweet this year, I've sent you some cheer! Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!  Love Presca
Split Personality 
I made you a colche... :3 I can't color worth crap thou... xDD
Lightning Shadow X A special Christmas Donkey has come down from heaven just for you ^.^
Syrius Lionwing · Sat Dec 02, 2006 @ 01:16am · 0 Comments |