Secret Santas! & Birthday wish! |
every year I make a single diary entry and it has all my christmas gifties in it! so this is where I will be posting all my prezzies! I also have a birthday wish this year and any help to get it would be much appreciated ^_^!

Name: Terema kanati (happy hunter) Owner: Syrius Lionwing Species: Lion Pride/Pack: Ela'wadiyi Gender: (Male/Female) Female Age: (Cub/Juvenile/Adolescent/Adult) Cub Parents: (if applicable)
http://www.celestialdust.net/gaia/soa/tawadiadultcert2.jpg http://celestialdust.net/gaia/soa/certs/manakanatiadultcert.jpg
Offspring: (if applicable) n/a Description: coloured like a baby emporor penguin Reference Images: (if applicable)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v21/Colche/pengynu2.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v21/Colche/pengycolours.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v21/Colche/mumble2ok3.png Extra stuff :: The litter this cub isgoing in to has already been
coloured and I have the okay from Saffy to custom her in to the litter.
If you don't wish to do the tattoos I will happily pay for them from
one of the tattoo mini shops. Thanks again for looking.
kizamaji There is two left and I would like you to choose one, Syr! smile Consider it a little early Christmas present from me. xD
Kiza TWT! her names Gilanthus'Nivalis, if anyones wondering Thankyou Kiza!
Fortunes of China  Greetings from Fortunes of China! Someone was thinking of you and colored you a special gift!  If your foal is unnamed, please go here to name it! Also please direct-link so you may see any changes on the cert. Merry Christmas! ~FoC Staff
eek amy's! I lovess her ^__^! **snaffles thy brainses outs**
Veyr Charme  Click above for the event thread.
Someone has sent you a special gift!
 Please host them yourself sometime between now and Christmas. And have a Happy Holiday!
~Veyr Charme
ee so cute! Thankies light!
Ary Keeyara You have been sent an SOA SS Chibi from Splitty! We hope you have a very happy holidays with lots of love and joy.

-Jungle Rhythm
awes tis Kika! Thankies splitty!
Befushi Land Someone has ordered a Charpia Secret Santa for you! Enjoy and please remember to save to your own server~
awes! Thankyou sashie ^__^!
[ Kitsusagi ] 
Someone has colored you a Kitsusagi! surprised
Please direct-link the image below until it hatches! After it has hatched, please go here to give it a name and gender, if it does not already have one.

Have a happy holidays!
~Realm staff
whee thankies drani!

thankyou lissy he's so cute ^__^!
Ithillien Someone has decided to gift you with a Candy Cane! After December 25th, this Candy Cane may lure a creature! After the 25th, you may PM me back to name it!
ohh it's been so long since I got a new faecat! Thankyou mae ^_^!
heart heart If you got this pm, your special. 8D ... I mean, an awesome personomg. :3
Kiza stop treating me you naughty person **noms**
Someone has colored you a Kitsusagi! surprised
Please direct-link the image below until it hatches! After it has hatched, please go here to give it a name and gender, if it does not already have one.

Have a happy holidays!
~Realm staff
kitsu ^__^!
Direct link, please. biggrin
eek meep **smothers with loves** ee i got a super smex wild doggy!
Spirited Slumber 
Merry Christmas! Someone has taken the time to think about you ^^ Congradulations on your new pet. If there is a letter in your cert then it will emerge around December 25th.  Wishing the you best of the holiday season, Night Before Christmas SS Thread
Spirited Slumber 
Merry Christmas! Someone has taken the time to think about you ^^ Congradulations on your new pet. If there is a letter in your cert then it will emerge around December 25th.  Wishing the you best of the holiday season, Night Before Christmas SS Thread
ohh a letter **prokes it**
whats this? ohh
- Taraja Ghosts - Looks like someone was thinking of you! >3

Have a Happy Holidays, from Ghosts of Taraja! Ghosts of Taraja
my diarys getting full XD! Thanks nux!
Savah Arda The season changes and Jack Frost has come out to play. He's tempting you to come out and play with him to share new memories for this holiday season! A friend was thoughtful enough to share a Taestysia with you. Your gift will open sometime near December 25th. Keep the URL and be sure to direct link it or it will not grow!  Come visit us and join in on the fun here:  Don't like the pet's name? It doesn't have a name? Then visit us here after your lovely grows to give him/her a new one! Naming ThreadPlease do not reply to this PM. Have a wonderful holiday season!!
thankies elven ^_^!
Veyr Charme  Click above for the event thread.
Someone has sent you a special gift!
 Please host them yourself sometime between now and Christmas. And have a Happy Holiday!
~Veyr Charme
Celeste Aragorne Hi! I'm Tiny Tim ^^ My dad works for Mr. Scrooge in his counting house and Mr. Scrooge is usually really mean to him. Maybe you've heard the story somewhere? Uhm. I'm getting off-track, sorry!
I'm here to give you this bag! You should direct-link to it until it opens around Christmas~
If you want to get one to send back to whoever sent it to you, just click on it to visit the thread ^^ You can also name your gift there when it opens!
thankies hime ^__^!
Victor-Tarishe  .[Introduction].
Season's ..... greetings from "Under the Northern Lights"! The last month before spring is a special time for our people, as we celebrate the end of the year and the transition into spring that's soon to follow. The spirits encourage us to put aside our differences and embrace each other for who we are. It is a time of great joy, celebrating family and friends and the spirit of togetherness. It seems that someone special has you in mind, in fact! In the spirit of giving we pass on to you this basket. In it is a special totem that will manifest by the holiday's end. Take good care and keep careful watch, for the life within will look to -you- for guidance, and if you're true to your totem, it in turn will do the same for you.
Enjoy the season and pass on the spirit of giving to your fellow man! Happy holidays from everyone at UtNL!
oh thankies dusty ^__^!
Sands of Time Shop Looks like someone was thinking of you this Holiday Season!

Please direct link, and around the 25th a special surprise will appear!
Happy Holidays!

ohh amys thankyous ^_^!
M Laefe has sent you a Secret Santa Gift from the Zahdl As Sonvofe Christmas Event! [img]http://magnusvale.com/zahdl/xmasorders/ranpeng/SyriusLionwing.png[/img] Click here to visit! Please direct link your present until it changes, then save it to your own server. ^_^
whee thankies neo!

gl;ee kitterkatness **glomps the nonymous person**
Dr. Akari What's this? Someone has left a magical holiday cabbage at your door! Come December 25th, your cabbage will open up to reveal a very special holiday child inside! Please direct-link or save this PM to observe the change. To learn more about this event, visit the main event thread! 
now who sent me that?
Pearl Dragons Happy Holidays!! heart Someone has sent you a Pearl Dragons Secret Santa egg! It will hatch on or shortly after December 25th. It is a high resolution file so please save it as a smaller file size if you would like to show it off in your signature. Feel free to visit our main thread here.Please don't reply to this pm unless you have a problem. We don't want our inbox to explode! heart Have a Happy Holiday!! 3nodding heart 
ohh bsall of wonderouness O.O!
Ninja Monkeys of DOOM ! ! Happy Holidays ! ! Someone has purchased this mass produced, flee infested, nose picking, poo flinging, Ninja Monkey of Doom for you! Ain't he festive? Please save him to your own server, we don't want him anymore! No, no... It's not that we don't love these little guys, it's just- Removal of the bow violates our policies and we will not be held responsible for what happens. Anyway, Happy Holidays. Ninja Monkeys of Doom Secret Santa 2K7
lol ninja monkey XD!
Ninja Monkeys of DOOM ! ! Happy Holidays ! ! Someone has purchased this mass produced, flee infested, nose picking, poo flinging, Ninja Monkey of Doom for you! Ain't he festive? Please save him to your own server, we don't want him anymore! No, no... It's not that we don't love these little guys, it's just- Removal of the bow violates our policies and we will not be held responsible for what happens. Anyway, Happy Holidays. Ninja Monkeys of Doom Secret Santa 2K7
mass produced monkeys ftw XD!
Sinthalas Happy Holidays!Sinthalas Happy Holidays! Someone has sent you a Starlight Dreams Secret Santa! It will open on or shortly after January 4th.
Feel free to visit our main thread here.
Please don't reply to this pm unless you have a problem. We don't want our inbox to explode!
Have a Happy Holiday Season!  [ Kitsusagi ] 
Someone has colored you a Kitsusagi! surprised
Please direct-link the image below until it hatches! After it has hatched, please go here to give it a name and gender, if it does not already have one.

Have a happy holidays!
~Realm staffwewt! more kitsu ftw!
Syrius Lionwing · Sat Dec 01, 2007 @ 12:06pm · 0 Comments |