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Lilith's wacked out days & scary thoughts
My Journal, My place, My thoughts. IM strange I live in a strange envermant i have wacked out friends... and i write strange things....
Sry for a Friend.
Okay i have a friend sure we've not been the longest friends but we have a strong bond. I consider her a sister. I feel really sry for her. Well some ppl that may know to have a sibling that's well prefered over the other her younger brother is prefered over her. And she's done much more then he. Her fathers a real jerk jackass moron... i could go on but no. She lives with her father, brother and grandperants. Her grandmother beats her, well almost but she abusise her. Her brother litterly stalks her that i kno of. And her father well hes... puff **sticks hand up and walks away** hes another subject to discuse. I may not know them personally and never met them. But if i did and they did something to Valkyrie... I Lilith would blow a fuse and start telling them off! God! I have these vibes from them i just... **rings a peice of paper**. but i lover her... in a sisterly way. I just hink im over protective... but arnt i always of all my friends including guys... even though i do beat them up. lol. ******** i hope she responds to my email and goes through with it. Cuz i live here in canada and i think its like a legal age to move out into with another person... cant live alone only with a gaurdian. But that would suck if the ppl ur trying to move away from has to pick the place u live thats a real b***h. But come on if ur not happy and the person that gets to pick is the ppl ur not happy with around... that royal sucks. I hope she picks it cuz she would proably ask if she can live with me or her mum it think. Heh! I can hear her grandmother b***h all about it.. hahahahahha... ******** hag.

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The Fire Angel
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Jan 28, 2005 @ 05:52am
What!? You aren't serious!? That's happening to Valkyrie?! Lilith...I didnt know and she's my friend too! I have to help out!!

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