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View User's Journal

FLASHY ANNOYING TITLE PAGE WITH BIG BOOMING VOICE!!! (that's supposed to be pink or orange...)
Okay, just warning you, I'm completely and totaly nucking futs........ or something like that....... so....... yeah........ (that too.......)
I just realized (okay, I've realized this a number of times, I just happen to have a very short attention span to the point of almost forgeting what I'm writing while I'm writing it.) that I never really keep a consistant journal. which is okay. because it's probable noone reads these entries. so it probably doesn't matter. Anyhow.

I got a kitty boy.

I saw two guys make out and got to record it.

I tried out for Cats. Musical. At Hell school.... yeah, I'm really glad I wasn't the worst dancer there......... ¬¬;; not my strong point. Singing was a closed autition thank GOD!!!!!!!!!! Or... y'know.... the guy who's in charge of the plays at school.... yeah.....

to anyone who reads this, please comment for two reasons,

1) I think you get gold for journal posts.

2) I'm trying to figure out how many people actually give a crap about my personal life and/or are just surfing for the money.

and 3)..... due to OCDness
3) I think you get gold for journal posts. (don't ask about the OCDness...)

Thank you!!! Oh, and don't be rude or I might have to hunt you down and eat your yummy eyeballs with a spork. burning_eyes

Yum... Spork...

User Comments: [2] [add]
Kiro Ruien
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Oct 29, 2006 @ 09:28pm
Aww.... no one wants to comment here.
Ah well.

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 10, 2006 @ 01:20am
hee hee. comment! heart

Community Member
User Comments: [2] [add]
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