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FLASHY ANNOYING TITLE PAGE WITH BIG BOOMING VOICE!!! (that's supposed to be pink or orange...)
Okay, just warning you, I'm completely and totaly nucking futs........ or something like that....... so....... yeah........ (that too.......)
whoot!!! Yes, I did in fact say "whoot". My birthday is on monday, which is also going schoolwide as Marti Gras (sp??) Monday, which totally entitles me to run around half naked, and/or wearing nothing but beads. I probably won't (at least not for the whole day, that school is ******** cold!!!), but I'm still entitled to. And I didn't organize this, the school did. I mean like the principle or headmaster depending on where you live, which makes it so totally awesome because that means it's totally school apropriate because I'd be completely following the school spirit stuff. Yay for runing around without a top on monday!!! Happy Birthday to me!!!

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