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The Neurotic Cabbage Head Using this digital account as my vessel, I shall rule all vegetables, in that I barely move!

Community Member
Hooray for boogers, the sticky weapons of the sinuses! May everyone who reads my pathetic excuse for a journal have lots of them! I want to choke the drama llama, but it looks like someone already is. What a loser. Why can't it just get over it already? It's so emo. Everyone should discard their old alarm clocks with their annoyingly loud noises. They should instead purchase....dum duh duh daaaaaa! A FUUCLOCK. This patented wake-up call is completely adept at rousing you out of a dear and precious sleep any and everytime you move! The Fuuclock is completely silent. Rather than emitting a mind-numbing screech at the designated time, this clock is devoid of any sort of warning whatsoever, and prefers to sneak up on you before pouncing on your face with her full eight pounds and taking a chunk out of your forehead. For an earlier wake-up call, simply administer 30cc's of catnip before going to sleep. This should cause her to go off anywhere from three to five o'clock in the AM. Anyone wanna take the little ******** off my hands? dramallama

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-Blind Voyeur-
Community Member
comment Commented on: Wed Oct 18, 2006 @ 10:32pm
I have enough cats as it is >.>

Ewww, boogers *gags* My one weekness! It is the only thing that can make me gag by just talking about them *gags some more*

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