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The Neurotic Cabbage Head Using this digital account as my vessel, I shall rule all vegetables, in that I barely move!

Community Member
Whoever likes camping during October is a sadistic little person. There is absolutely nothing fun about sleeping on a freezing, hard board of a bed and nearly dying of exposure. Normally, wildlife is my favorite aspect of camping. I love seeing the adorable little chipmunks and various kinds of native Ohio birds we don't usually see in the city. However, the fact being that it was only about 45 degrees this weekend, all the adorable little chipmunks were hibernating and all the sensible Ohio birds have flown to Florida and Mexico, like my stupid family should have. Also, my brother brought along the plasma screen TV and ran the battery down several times. Don't get me wrong, I love the Simpsons, but when it comes down to either Homer screaming "TRAMPAMPOLEEEEEENE!" and not freezing to death for lack of furnacy-goodness, I'd pick the furnacy-goodness. Not to mention the fact that half the coyote population of Harrisonville was in heat. "AWOOOOO! GIVE ME A MIDOL!!! AWOOOOOOOOO!" The highlight of my weekend was when my brother and I discovered that if you put a sealed empty water bottle in the fire, it explodes most beautifully. We chugged about four waters each before we finally had to drive down the road to my uncles to refill our gray water tank and drain part of our septic. Take that, nature. Try breathing in your crisp autumn air now.

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-Blind Voyeur-
Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue Oct 24, 2006 @ 04:15am
Yes, the sensible birds to migrate, but not all birds are sensible!

I pick furnacy goodness as well. Homer can wait, afterall he's on DVD XD

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