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The Neurotic Cabbage Head Using this digital account as my vessel, I shall rule all vegetables, in that I barely move!

Community Member
Chah, like, totally.
If I had apple juice, I would probably drink it. That's like a dollar dipped in alabaster sauce.

Would anybody find it amusing to know that my evil kitty, Fuu, just jumped into a sink full of dishwater? I would. She deserved it. I caught her hanging from my suspended bird cage again this morning. I suppose cats and Aborigines both think budgies are delicious snacks. =/ If she wasn't so snuggly when she got tired out, I might actually wish she'd have drowned.

....Who actually 'reads' this? I feel so alone all of a sudden.

....*Nervous twitch.*

User Comments: [2]
-Blind Voyeur-
Community Member
comment Commented on: Sat Oct 14, 2006 @ 09:59pm
I'm not making as much gold as I was yesterday >.>

Hahaha, one of my cats jumped onto a pan of grease and it flipped over onto her XDD This was forever ago though...

comment Commented on: Tue Oct 17, 2006 @ 12:45am
I felt overwhelmed by having ONE crazy cat that pounced on my face all the time while I slept. And scratched me to the point that people thought I was suicidal. And tried to eat my bird everytime my bedroom door was left open. And drank from various water glasses I place Strategically around the house so I won't have to walk all the way to the kitchen when I'm thirsty and infecting them with her horrible kitten cooties. *Pant, huff.* But you had like, twelve crazy cats, knocking over pans of grease and living in strangely furnished cat houses in back yards. o.o' *Collapses.*

Community Member
User Comments: [2]
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