Letsss begin, I met Link in 6th grade because he found out that I had a GIANT crush on him so he asked me to be his girlfriend soo of course I said yes. Link then had Blond hair and he always wore green and white and yellow and his eyes were light blue. Later on like 5 months later he runs into Dracula. Dracula was killing people in Link's neighborhood so he tried to fight Dracula. He LOST and so Dracula turned him into a vampire. I learned a potion from Elinor that made him get rid of the blood thirst a lot. He was a vampire for about a year. He had dirty blond hair and his eyes were red. Link didn't want to spend eternity without me so he turned me. I didn't want to live forever so I learned a VERY HARD potion form Elinor. When Sheshommaru found out about that he got angry and he threatened to kill Link if he tried to turn me again. Sooo he didn't.
Since Link was a vampire and all he learned some new tricks. So he tried to beat Dracula for the seconded time and lost.... again. After a while a ware wolf comes along and battles Link. Link lost (he didn't stand a chance) and then the ware wolf turned link. Then Link was a half vampire half ware wolf but he didn't like the fact that he was blue. He had dark brown hair and black eyes. He was a little stronger than before so he tried to beat Dracula for the third time. He lost AGEIN! And then Sheshommaru told Link that he wasn't stronger so he should turn back into a human *He just said that because he didn't want me to turn blue if Link decided to change me again*. Sheshommaru and Link aren't enemies at all but Sheshommaru is really startin to like Link so he tries not to show it. And Link learned a potion from Dracula *Link and Dracula are weird friends* that made him turn back into a human. Then his hair was just brown and his eyes were still light blue.
Link still liked to wear his hat and he liked to wear black and red. He learned marshal arts and became a master at marshal arts. He tried to beat Dracula and LOST FOR THE FOURTH TIME!!!!! Then Link was turned back into a vampire and has been one ever since. Link now has brown hair (sometimes looks black) with blond streaks (only like two streaks of blond *very hard to see*) in it. His eyes are dark blue, but they turn red when he feeds. I don't use the potion on him anymore because we made and agreement that he can eat his enemies but not his allies. And the blood thirst isn't as bad as it was last time. Link has learned new sword moves. So he tried again to beat Dracula and he WON!!! I'm very proud and he is even more proud. He is now stronger and faster and has strange new powers. He didn't eat Dracula because he is his best friend. YA KNOW WHAT Dracula is a lot like Sheshommaru and miroku mixed together.... sort of. Anyway for some strange reason Link is growing wings and they are black and red. I'm trying to get rid of them because it's hard to hug him now. Maybe he has wings because he beat Dracula..... hmmm.... anyway he right now is shopping for a new sword because he broke his old one *he got to strong for it*. He should be out shopping all day for a sword *he is VERY picky*. Oh and he got a call from Sephiroth saying that he is coming for him. *guess he wants ta fight Link* and Sephiroth is stronger then Dracula soooo that should be somthin to see. LINK IS SOO CUTE!!
AND ONE MORE THINGY!!! I have recently figured out that Link is a HALF vampire! *I guess he is only half cause he changed into soooo many things!*
As you can see I have A BUNCH of time on my hands xd
Rinoga · Fri Jan 14, 2005 @ 10:28pm · 2 Comments |