HELLO! I'm Rinoga and it's pernounced Rinouga. I acidentaly spelled it ronge the first time and didn't realize it until after I got used to it razz . I am usualy called Rin for short though. My name was made by mixing Rin and Kouga into one full name. I act a lot like Rin and I'm wolfy like Kouga (also in rp I am half wolf) 3nodding . So it was suposed to be Rinouga but it is already Rinoga. And ummmm it's not my real name (of course) but my friend Atta helped me with it. 3nodding so she calls me Rin now. And sheshy sama is my dad and Elinor is his sister (in my little world 3nodding ) OH YEAH! And my cat, Bear is Sheshie's boa, because Bear is fluffy and white xd . Annndd.... that's about it xd
Rinoga · Mon Dec 27, 2004 @ 07:13pm · 6 Comments |