No one ever reads my journals, but I'm gonna type it out anyways. I'm most likely moving, I'm not telling where on this because EVERYONE will see where and I'm not aloud to tell people I haven't met in person sooo yeah. There is a 90% chance I'm moving and a 10% chance that I'm not moving. I'll most likely move during summer.... I'm not happy..... there doesn't seem to be any good visual art schools there..... which means I'll have to teach myself again... anyways here are some other ways to get in touh with me my S/N is rinoga my S/N is rinoga my S/N is rinoga or rinoga18
e-mail my S/N is
yahoo messanger my S/N is rinoga13
There ya go! Lots of way to keep in touch!
Rinoga · Tue Dec 12, 2006 @ 10:47pm · 1 Comments |