Dear Readers.
I wish to die.I have anger issues....And I cut.I NEED to die.I honestly don't
******** see why people want me to live.WHY CANT I JUST DIE! One of my friends is pissing me of....He made me have a mental breakdown.My mom and dad hate me.I belive they just want me alive so that I can help them do s**t like call whats- their-faces just because they don't know ******** english.HELLO! HAVE THEY NOT HEARD OF ******** INGLES SIN BARERAS?!?!?!?!??!?! BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I HAVE TO TAKE THE CALLS FOR THEM.I HAVE TO MAKE THE APPOINTMENTS.I HAVE TO ******** GET b***h SLAPPED AND BEATEN IF I DON'T DO THESE ******** TASKS.
I hate my life.I wouldn't mind dying right now.
Lets start with my dad:
He's a cheap b*****d.He won't let me get DSL for my compy because "It costs too much" WTF?!?!?! IT'S ONLY ABOUT $35.00 A ******** MONTH!
HE hates it when I disturb him when he's watching a movie. stare AN EFFING MOVIE?!?!?! If I were to go up to him and say "Hey dad....I just dislocated my shoulder in 9 different places and I'm bleeding to much and I'm starting to get dizzy" His reponse would be "hold on....Give me a few minutes...My movie is getting good.OH WAIT!......How much is this going to cost me?"
*ahem* Moving on...Heres my mom:
She's really a b***h....If I even look at her the wrong way..She automatically insists that I MUST See a shrink.If I kick a pine cone when I'm mad..She automatically says "Oh your just kicking that because you want to kick me" ((WHO THE ******** SAID THAT?!?!?!?)) Or when I talk to myself ((Yes..I have told you people I was crazy and needed to see a shrink in one of my previous journals)) She says "What type of child talks to themselves?!?!?!?!? YOU NEED TO SEE A SHRINK! RIGHT NOW!!" Then she comes up with excuses and lies to go to my dad and convince him to take the internet away from me.And she does the same to go to my brother ((Yes he pays for the internet.I told ya they just use us)) And complain on how I get on the internet too much.
And theres way more...But...I'm going to let you soak that in for a while.
Thank you for whoever ******** cares to read this.
P.S.Honestly I think This Is The Longest Journal Entry I Have Typed So Far.
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I'm not emo..I just hate myself
drawings....emotionally challeged stuff...yeah....
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Cherry Sunshine
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