Wednesday,September 20th Of The Year 2006.
Today's news:
Today I didn't go to school.xD.My brother and I walked to the gas station near my house.It was a good mile walk xD.It took us about an hour to get there and back.He lost his shoe while jumping over a sewer thing.Lol.It was histarical.We were right by the gas station.He says "Gesselle..Jump that..." And he thought it was a small puddle.But it turns out..the grass was covering the rest very well...And it was tall he didn't know.He jumps over this so-called-small puddle.And lands in the dirty water.Lol.His reaction was "Oh s**t." He jumped out and looked down at his feet. He noticed he didn't have his shoe on.Lol.We began to laugh histarically..People were even looking at us like we were crazy.He had to jump back in a grab his shoe.xD.It was so histerical.xD.The faces those people were giving us were like, " confused & neutral ".Lol.
On Others News:
Well..Apparently I look like a hot 17 year old.Lol.Me and my good friend James went to Dairy Queen and his friend Berry was hitting on me.His friend was at least in his 20's.Lol.The 'tard xD.He didn't know I was 13.*shakes head* It reminds me of when me and James went to Walmart and I had 6 different men check me out in just 30 minutes.This is what happened.As i was waslking in...There was an emo kid and he was about 16.Lol.He was with his mother xp .But he was just about to leave.And he spots me walking in.He won't take his eyes off of me.He was even turning to where i was walking.He didn't even try to hide it.I tried my damndest not to laugh.xD.Well..We started walking toward the frozen product isle now.There were three wiggers walking down at that same isle.The first one turns around and again won't take his eyes off of me.Lol.Apparently there was also a black guy doing the samething.As we walked to the book isle...There was a dude in a green shirt checking me out aswell.And two other mexicans.In total...That is six my friends.SIX.
1.Rice Crispie : $1.00
2.Soda : $1.50
3.Walking down walmart and being checked out by 6 men in the record of 30 minutes.. : Priceless
Community Member
I just want to see if it's true..
i don't doubt you or anything but...i wouldn't mind judging myself.