Emos... I hate 'em. Not so much the ones that are genuinely depressed but the ones who are depressed over the smalled things (like say, everything that happens at highschool) and the ones who say they're emo, but aren't even depressed XP.
The fact that it's become cool in some circles to dress in dark clothes, wear horrendous ammounts of makeup, and write bad poetry is beyond me. Since when was being a poser something to admire? They don't have style like the goths, they don't have good music like punks, they're an amalgamation of all the worst features of both subcultures. Yet people actually like it... I just don't get it.
Then there's this "Screamo" genre of music that evolved from it. For ******** sake, they're screaming into a microphone to monotonous guitar riffs and drumming. That's not singing, hell it's not even music. I'd give it credit for people pouring out that much emotion into a song but then I remember that they're all posers out for attention anyways.
Thank god this is all just a phase people go through, if people stayed like this till they became adults and had kids and all that I'd fear for the future. What good will it do the future to have a world full of people who are only into depression and dressing badly?
For those of you who get depressed over homework, or your highschool fling dumping you, suck it up, it's not the end of the world and you have your whole life ahead of you. Highschool is meaningless for most people in the long run and there's always things to look forward to, no sense in dwelling on the bad stuff.
For those of you who think depressing things are cool, quit bringing people down with all your garbage. Go die in a car fire or something.
I know a few people who's company I enjoy who have a thing for emos.. I wish I could smack some sense into them but I don't have the heart. I can only pray that they see the light someday and that more will follow in their wake.
This rant brought to you by: Montey Python's tune "Always look on the bright side of life"
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