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....a better major-general has never sat-a-gee
Feroce Rants 1: Gay marriage
Alright people, LISTEN UP!This journal is now for my ranting. Alright? Good.

Subject number one; gay marriage.

Alright, so, first things first, I'm bi, I've had relationships with guys before. So don't go calling me a gay basher or any of that garbage. I know what it's like to be on both sides of the fence. Second of all, I'm atheist. I don't belong to any sort of religion. Frankly I think they're silly and for the weak willed. If you need an imagionary friend named god to talk to about your problems instead of your friends, that's fine. But I'll never ever EVER think that it's a good idea.

Now... I've noticed something lately, actually I've notieced it for many years now. THE GAY MINORITY IS FULL OF RETARDS. Seriously. There are those who feel the need to try to get the government to tell the church of (insert religion here) to let those of the same sex get married. Right, there are a number of problems with this: NORTH AMERICA IS CIVILIZED. Church and state are kept seperate for a damn good reason. The government is not allowed to mess with peoples religions and vise versa. IT DOESN'T WORK OUT. It's been done before in the past, it only brings corruption and ruin to a nation.

Next up is the fact that it's their religion, and if they say that their deity doesn't like gays then FINE, respect that. Marriage is a religious thing. It was invented by the church, for the believers, AND they've decided to be NICE enough to share it with people who aren't believers too. BUT when you want them to do something that goes against their beliefs. Suddenly THEY'RE the badguys. If you take Christianity for example. One of the biggest most influential religions ever. They're taught to be nice people. They're taught to not fight and generally be pacifists. They restrict their lives and sacrifice all sorts of fun to keep from being sinful. Don't you think that deserves a little recognition at the very least? If they have one little request of not wanting to perform a blasphemous ceremony, then you should let them have it their way and quit your bitching!

If gays/lesbians/whatevers just want to have the ceremony, of having all their friends and family around, dressing up nice, saying some heartfelt vows to eachother, then go and eat a bigass cake. Then that's GREAT! Go for it! Just leave religion out of it. The vast majority of religions don't force their ways on you so don't go and force them to go and damn themselves.

If you decide to be gay, and follow a religion that doesn't like gays, then you're a walking oxymoron. If you think that god is such a nice guy that you'll be accepted, then why the hell is the religion your god belongs to, so vehemently against queers? Pick a new religion or even better, make up your own. It's what most people who believe in a higher power do. They make up their own rendition of an existing religion because it makes everything more convenient for them and it just plain makes sense in their heads. If you must believe in some higher power follow their example and quit being whiney bitches trying to force someone to do something they don't want to do.

You're like little children crying because they can't have a toy they just saw in a department store that they can't have. The parents budget doesn't allow it, so deal with it.

In short. Quit pushing people around and declareing that you're oppressed. You're not. End of issue.

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