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The Pikmin War
The pikmin had killed off all other creatures on their planet as they learned to follow their own orders and use the onion. They began to kill each other off. Red against blue, blue against yellow. So Olimar blast off again to solve the problem....
Day 3:
What a day! All morning 'till night, I've had the blue pikmin chopping down pellets, and it sure does take time! It turns out the blue pikmin found a small island covered in pellets (mostly blue of course) in the middle of an ocean. In addition, they had also found a a strange new kind of onion, in which the pikmin could be created in huge numbers very quickly. It looked like an onion, but it was green and was three times the ordinary size, with several entrances, to allow for mass intake. I plan to find out more tomarrow. I will waste little time because I plan on staying grounded. With all other creatures seemingly extinct, I think it should be safe here. As long as the other colors of pikmin still can't swim...

pikmin guyy
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pikmin guyy
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