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The Pikmin War
The pikmin had killed off all other creatures on their planet as they learned to follow their own orders and use the onion. They began to kill each other off. Red against blue, blue against yellow. So Olimar blast off again to solve the problem....
Day 2:
Today I landed on the pikmin planet, and I was eager to see the pikmin again. So I strapped on my life support suit and stepped outside the ship. I walked around a large rock near the ship and found a blue onion already activated. Over three dozen red pikmin rushed into the clearing just as about a dozen blue pikmin slid out of the onion. As I jumped back behind the rock, the two forces met and the fighting was fearce. Yet, the blue pikmin could not hold out much longer. One of the blue surviors ran over to me. "This is my chance," I thought. I called to the single pikmin and it followed me. I quickly order him to get into its onion and call any others still alive. It followed my orders and I got in my ship to prepare to take off. I pressed the ingnition button and lifted off. The blue onion followed me. that meant that I would have help tomarrow, but I have had enough trouble today.........

pikmin guyy
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