This page is going to be ALL about my baby! His name is Bear, and if you read the frist page you should already know that he is a fat, white, blue eyed, cat. His middle name is Chubbyness cause he is fat! He weighs 21 pounds right now, and somehow he can still bounce, run, lay, and CRAWL OVER EVERYTHING! He is a very special cat cause of his personality and the way he was built. He looks like a normal cat, like he has normal ears and a long tail and fur, but he is big boned, like when we put him on a diet he got to 14 pounds and his back bone started to stick out and he looked real bad crying . But he is back to normal now. Oh yeah, Bear had diabedes and apperently he is overweight. And he is also deff, but he mooves his ears like he can hear. My grandma *mom's, mom* found Bear on her portch one day. (Bear was a stray then) and grandma found out he was deff and kept him after that. He was a kitten then, and grandma kept him for about 4 years. And then on christmas Eve she gave him to me cause I wanted a cat. (She mainly gave him to me cause he kept on beating her cat, Baybay up.) So that's when Bear became my "angel baby" and he was about 5 or 6 years old when I got him.
A lot of people mistaken Bear for being a girl cuase of how pritty of a cat he is. But he is big, so some people think he is a guy. Bear is realy loud too. One time when I was sleeping I heared him from the other side of the house xd . I let him sleep with me now, cause he is quiet that way. Bear likes a lot of attention and he won't bite you too (not unless you annoy him or rub his belly) Bear has to have two shots every day, because of his diabedis. and he getts 2 treats each for putting up with the shots. I give Bear a shot a night and my mom gives him one in the mornings. My cat is realy weird too, like one time he was looking at me funny and he jumped over my sholder and then dashed out of the room (he was trying to get my hair) He also sometimes, will kindof howl at night with one of his toy babys in his mouth xd it's realy loud and it kindof souds like he is dieing. Bear is 8 now and getting older when christmas eve comes. But, my cat is adorible and I spoil him a lot. But, I love him.
Rinoga · Wed Dec 22, 2004 @ 11:56pm · 2 Comments |