HI!! I'm Rin, I am 14 years old and I have short brown hair and I'm short. I am a corter charicki (can't spell xp ) indian and I am American, ummm... I am the color white (or a light tan). I am 4'11 righ now so I am REALY short for a 8th grader (it's taller than a 6th grader and it's shorter than a 7th grader) and I'm a girl xp . I love cats, french fries and chocolate, OH AND SPAGETTI TOO, and LINK!! I'm obsessed with the shows Wolf's rain and Inuyasha and my favorite movies are LOTRs or Underworld.. and I'm also obsessed with VAMPIRES!! I like to lay around the house after school and Sylvan. And I really enjoy chating with my friends on the computer. I have a thing for Finall fantasys and vampires. I like to make lots of friends and I enjoy drawing anime and sometimes write poems *not verry good*. Kingdom hearts is the BEST game ever, on PS-2. My friends usually would discribe me as cute, funny, energetice, normal, or weird. I like to listen to rock music, and the best band ever is Korn. Did I mention that I'm obsessed with vampires.
People usually say that I'm in a good mood alot, but at home my brother says I can get angry quickly (he knows how to annoy me razz ) and I usually have LOTS of time on my hands and ummm.... I have a fat, white, blue eyed, cat called bear (he is my little angel) and I have alot of friends in different places (all of them have SOMTHING weird and funny about them, but they are all realy loyal and trust worthy friends) Ummmmmmm... I MISS ALL MY FRIENDS THAT I CAN'T SEE ANYMORE! That is probably why I'm chatting a lot now, cause I can AT LEAST talk to my friends.... and ummmm..... Hmmmm... I guess that's it. OH YEAH! And people say that my mom is cool, cause she plays computer games and she also played Halo 2 with my brother biggrin .
Rinoga · Wed Dec 22, 2004 @ 09:03pm · 4 Comments |