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How pissed am i?
Elmo is Evil. A really random entrie

Its really random, but i think that Elmo should b caged because Rock Lee said he said he eats babies and molests ppl in their sleep. eek on a more positive note, Elmo's lucky he looks innocent. razz so anyway, if the police are reading this Elmo should get arrested and then the world will be a better place. biggrin WELL, not really. Barney should get arrested too. Dinosaurs are supposed to b extinct. And i dont know ANY dinosaurs that are purple. and why the hell would u be hugging a dinosaur??? eek it'll just bite ur head off! scream And the telletubbies. are they aliens? they barely speak english. Maybe they crash landed on this planet looking for destruction and caous twisted but they left their weopons on their home planet sweatdrop and now are trying to get back home buy using the TV industry to get enough money to be shipped to outerspace, then destroy the whole planet. eek HEY! u never know.... confused

Community Member
  • 07/09/06 to 07/02/06 (1)
  • 07/02/06 to 06/25/06 (2)
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