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How pissed am i?
A Bitching Tea Ceremony
6/26/06, at least i think it was.

So anyways, today was Japanese skool and it was a REALLY special day, because we were having a tea party. Usually its really kinda boring. We take notes, listen to the teacher, tests.. more tests... gonk and then yea... usual skool things. But, today we were doing a tea party. (free snacks and tea! hooray! 4laugh ) but the catch was..( in the real world, there's always catches.. stressed ) we had to have tea with the 9th graders. Im not saying that all 9th graders are bitches/bastards, but u never know! So the teachers explained how to serve tea, how to drink it, how to eat snacks, etc etc, stare (not the type of fun u would b doing but hey! we're desperate. mad ) so when it was finally time for US to do all that it was really kewl. Us 7th graders had to serve the 9th graders first... I got the tea and like served it to the first guy. Since there's like 5000 rules, i didnt know how to do it, so when i got confused he said really annoyed and said " u put the cup there retard." i got pissed evil and well next he said.." Wut the ******** is up with ur hair?" it really hurt inside. crying and then every 9th grade boy starts laughing. It was then that i hated that guy that commented on my hair. I ******** HATE HIM! scream


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