LAST UPDATED :: 25 Aug. 2019 ; 11:07 pm
Take Note: I'm only doing this (typing information on the rigs I get) for
everyone to know and see which Rigs grants which item(s). I'm also
doing this because I want to re-read and keep the story / plot (if there
is one offered for the Gaia players to see and enjoy reading).
I have no intentions of whatsoever to gain popularity and/or achieving
any status as a "Gaia Informant" and the likes.
Do enjoy ~
--25 Aug. 2019 :: Fixed the images links... --

A fallen star plummets to the earth from the heavens above. From the fissure rises
a beautiful girl made from the cosmos. Her journey is near to an end and she wants
to pass on her tales from the radiant galaxy on to you. Listen closely as she tells
you a tale of a celestial being from the furthest points of the universe...

There is a bright stream of light forever traversing the great arena of space. She is
eager to explore, curious and eccentric. To her, there is always a new thing to see
and a new place to go. So keep your eyes open; Halley's Comet visits but once in
a lifetime.

The beauty of Cassiopeia holds captive a great many hearts, a distant prize
pursued unceasingly. It is said that in all creation the only thing that can eclipse
her glamor is her vanity.

Few celestial bodies shine as brightly as Alpha Centauri. Her radiance brings
peace to the universe, calming the hearts of man and lighting clearly the paths
of weary travelers.

How many planets have been devoured by those dark hearted sisters? They
hunger for living worlds and thriving planets are their favorite delicacy. Woe to
those who are found in the presence of the Twin Quasar.

The great beholder sees all. He is the Eye of God, the visionary Helix Nebula.
Nothing is beyond his seeing and his vision fills even the most hidden corners
of the cosmos with brightness.

Beyond the shadow of Neptune in a shadow that even the great sun can't pierce
lives a being of cold stone and ice. He is the Kuiper Belt, and only he truly
understands the deepness of the great cosmic sea.

The universe is a place of ever churning creation and there is never a shortage of
new life eager to live. Behold Kepler, a newcomer on the stage of existence. What
potential does this newborn hold?

It is said that even the greatest of stars might dim when compared to the passion
of Mars. His spirit is without end and he burns with the red hot power of creation
and destruction.
Lava Flow Dress
Shark Scarf
Starbright Sweeper
Orbital Clutter
Dark Matter Galaxy
Corona Austrina
Starlight Sweeper
Red Giant's Might
Eye of Io
Constellation Pegasi
Event Horizon Guardian
Deluxe Green Flame Shirt
Corona Borealis
Stellar Birth
VFM-01F Stryker-F
Dark Star Cygnus
Experimental Interplanetary Shuttlepod
Lunarian's Cape
Sleepytime Starry Night Pajamas
Zeta Star Mercenary






















