Last Updated: 31 July 2021 ; 12:22 am

Rina is a closeted fanfiction writer, and she's started her latest piece.
But in the middle Kanoko comes over to visit and contributes some
ideas of her own. What crazy plot twists will those two come up with?

Rina: It was a normal day at the Barton Boutique, and Ian and Rufus were just
closing up shop for the night.

Rina: But then Rufus heard footsteps in the alley behind them. The ominous
shadow grew as the figure approached. Who was approaching?

Kanoko: A stunning figure in an exotic but masterfully tailored outfit approached the
two of them. Her thick raven hair fell to her waist in gentle curls, and from her
alabaster brow emerged two extravagant demon horns. A smile crept onto her
luscious ruby lips.

Rina: Ian was unimpressed. "Who is this, Rufus?" Rufus puffed up in defense. "You
can call me Mariko," she replied. "But I need your help. There is a new and terrible
threat to Gaia, and the prophecy foretold of your legendary power to defeat it."

Kanoko: "Come, there is no time to waste! My airship, the Mythic Cherry Galactic
Garden, will fly us there!"

Rina: Ian stopped her. "No, that would be too obvious. We should take Rufus
instead. RUFUSU TRANSFORM!" Rufus then turned into a huge gray tiger! Which
transportation did our heroes choose?

Kanoko: The Mythic Cherry has a cloaking system and a dessert bar so they
decided it would be best to fly. While flying and eating delicious deserts, Mariko
could fill Ian in on the terrible threat to NeoGaia.

Kanoko: "We have to get to the Crystal Tower. Edmund has gone crazy with power
from the Gaia Chaos Crystals, and he's been plotting to take over all of NeoGaia!"
Mariko explained. "You have to help me stop him!"

Kanoko: So they flew all the way to Edmund's tower, but he was already
waiting for them. This could get scary... do our heroes keep going or claim their current prize?

Rina: They both climbed onto Rufus. "Where are we going exactly?" Rufus asked
as he started running.

Rina: "We have to get to the Crystal Tower. Edmund has gone crazy with power
from the Gaia Chaos Crystals, and he's been plotting to take over all of NeoGaia!"
Mariko explained. "You have to stop him, Ian! You're our only hope!

Rina: So they rode all the way to Edmund's tower, but he was already waiting for
them. This could get scary... do our heroes keep going or claim their current prize?

Rina: Edmund jumped down from his tower. "I was expecting you to come, Ian."

Rina: Edmund approached Ian. "With the Chaos Crystals I can give you power
beyond your wildest dreams. You don't need this glittering floozy. Join me, Ian..."

Kanoko: But Edmund's true interest was in Ian's stunning companion.
Somehow he felt like he'd known her in a previous life. Mariko resisted, "I know you are in love
with me Edmund, but we can never be together. Good and evil's fight will never be

Rina: But Ian thought this was all stupid, and totally went super saiyan.

Kanoko: And then Mariko put on her robe and wizard hat, and transformed into
Super Majoko Witch Babe Mariko!

Rina: "You're going down, Edmund!!" they proclaimed. Who will defeat the power
hungry Edmund and save NeoGaia? Or will our heroes turn away and claim their

Kanoko: Majoko Mariko casts RABU BEEEAAAMMM!! KYUUUUUN!

Kanoko: But Edmund reflected her attack by pulling out an enchanted hand mirror
just in time!

Kanoko: Edmund drew his rapier and struck back. Mariko fought with a finesse
unlike any had ever seen, narrowly avoiding all of Edmund's attacks.

Kanoko: With only evil in his heart, Edmund's blade found Mariko's vulnerable

Rina: Ian drew his sword. Edmund chuckled softly, "If that is how you wish it, Ian..."

Rina: They fought fiercely, their battle escalating to the top of Edmund's tower. Ian
struck Edmund down. "You've lost, Edmund. Promise to leave Gaia alone, and I'll let
you live"

Rina: "You're a fool, Ian." Edmund lifted off of the ground, a dark energy encircling
him and eventually engulfing him. As the darkness ebbed, it revealed his second
form, Bizarro-Edmund!

Rina: Bizarro-Edmund had used the Chaos Crystals to transform into his second
form! He lunged for Ian! Ian dodged at the last minute, Edmund's blow hitting the
tower instead. The tower began to crumble underneath them.

Rina: As the building fell around them, evil magic exploded everywhere, punching a
hole in the space-time continuum!

Rina: So Ian started charging his Final Limit Attack to Heaven Levels, while Tiger
Rufus prepared his Ultimate Dancy Dancy of Death attack...

Kanoko: But when he stuck her, his blade shattered Mariko's golden dewdrop
crystal. It's power enveloped her in holy light, and she was reborn a goddess
princess. Edmund's hate melted, and he became good. And they all lived happily
ever after!

Rina: The combo was super effective!! They successfully defeated Bizarro-Edmund
and saved NeoGaia from his evil clutches!

Tiger Rufus is distracted by a fish stand on the way. They'll have to fight Edmund
some other time...

Mariko spends the next few chapters in a flashback about her previous life as the
princes off the cat fairy world who died after a tragic romance with Edmund's past
life, the prince of dessert trays. The story goes nowhere.

They post a work in progress of the fanfic on the Gaia forums and it gets flamed.
They abandon it and decide to finish some other time. Oh well...