So today I took my mothers dog out for a walk to kill time while i waited for them to log on. I feel its important to explain i live in a very rural farming town and it is 99.9% of the time safe to walk along the roads at night through the week because no one is out. So, I was constantly lookin behind me to keep tabs on traffic so that i could move me and my moms dog in good time and I swear to the gods this truck came out of no where and tore down the /center/ of the bloody road! The center! If i had be even a second slower than I was that truck would have flattened both me and my mothers dog and I would be a very dead bird boy. So it's pretty safe to say that I am very shaken by this.
Both times I have walked that dog i have almost been hit by cars or trucks. So I am pretty sure the dog is conspiring with my new friend's friends. Because their friends seem to want me on a pyre *coughs nervously*
ahh... what else... Some thing that was said to me in regards to my new friend has had me in tears since i spoke to their friend. I have been very uneasy and... well.. afraid. I don't want them to abandon me. Our mutual friend tells me to ignore them but all this does is confuse me and only make my mood worse because I don't know who's telling the truth. It's a bit frustrating. It was also suggested to me that I should consider informing my friend about how i have been getting physically ill from some of the things i've learnt as well as informing them about how i have been pushed to the point of tears. but. I don't know. Would they really even care..? Does anyone really even care about me...? ... This nectarine is good at least...
ahh... Oh. I promised someone i'd do this in todays journal. ahem Nothing but Bacon. N othing but Bacon. N o thing but Bacon. N o t hing but Bacon. N o t h ing but Bacon N o t h i ng but Bacon. N o t h i n g but Bacon. N o t h i n g b ut Bacon. N o t h i n g b u t Bacon. N o t h i n g b u t B acon. N o t h i n g b u t B a con. N o t h i n g b u t B a c on. N o t h i n g b u t B a c o n. There. thats done.
I'll stop wasting you're time. Until Tomorrow. -Lue
Lucifer Knightroad · Tue Jun 06, 2017 @ 05:35am · 0 Comments |