Its been one full year since my Grandfather passed away at 88 years of age. Today I went to his grave for the very first time since the funeral. I was suppose to have a few people go with me because I had a rough idea on how it would affect me. well... Everyone who was suppose to go with me either got busy, forgot or straight up bailed on me. I ended up going alone.
Going alone was the most painful thing in the world. I felt alone and abandoned, hell i still feel like that even after i've been home an hour. I feel like in the moments that im going through some of the most painful and yet most important moments in my life that I have no one to comfort me through it.
When i got to the cemetary the grave marker was missing. I cried to the point i threw up and on my walk home i fell about six times cause my stupid bad leg kept giving out. It wasn't nice at all. I haven't slept in like... threeee?? days? I dont feel well. Today was hell and gods I feel so... so alone right now.
I miss my Grandfather with every passing day. Every day is a struggle to remind myself that Grandpa would want me to keep living. I don't know how to handle my emotions..
I need like.. A hug.. Cake or a bullet to the face jfc, I need a catholic priest to let me talk about this to so I can be forgiven by a god i dont believe in
Lucifer Knightroad · Wed Jun 20, 2018 @ 04:09am · 0 Comments |