It's been a long time since i used one of these. I have no real purpose to this. I know no one really reads these from my understanding, it's really just a place to record thoughts and just leave them here for later reflection. So I figured i'd start to spew mind vomit once again. These words may or may not have meaning behind them. it's just a moment of I need to let these words escape.
So.. I recently started to speak with a new person. They are quite alluring and enchanting. I.. I am really enjoying their company as of this point in time. I am treading on thin ice with them currently. I don't know enough about their wounds to really know what to avoid, and with the joking way they speak of their past it's hard to really understand what it is that bothers them. They speak in such a way it almost feels like they belittle themselves without even realizing they are doing it. I don't really understand why they act that way but.. It's upsetting. The more I learn of them the more I want to hold them and never let them go. I don't feel pity nor sympathy for their past, I feel they deserve a little more respect, but I can truly empathize with a lot of what I have come to learn presently. Hyper empathy is a curse some days.. hah.. This new friend is a curios case i want to keep learning about. As it stands now I will keep pressing forward on my path of learning about them and see where the fates take me. I will keep this updated as often as i can because I would like to read back on what i've learnt as this friendship continues.
That is all for today. Until next time. -Lue
Lucifer Knightroad · Mon Jun 05, 2017 @ 02:44am · 0 Comments |