*Flashback of what happened yesterday*
"Richard, what's wrong?" I said. "My stomache hurts... it hurts when it's cold... I was gonna throw up when we went to the basement..." Richard C says. We are on the bus (with others) and one of my current best friends' stomache hurts. Angel is sitting a seat by himself diagonal from me and RC (Richard C). Jia Min and RH (Richard H) are sitting on back of us. RC sat next to the window. Angel and I tells him what's the on his forehead, and he takes out the mirror from yesterday (?). "What is that....." he says. He starts playing around with the mirror, and when he holds it high, Jia Min tries to snatch it, and I told her "The teacher's watching...."
Some time later, our teacher checked on RC, and he sat the rest of the way head down on his arm, leaning over. By the time we got there, he threw up in a bag sad . He went to the b-room, and came out... the teacher (we and other stuents wer separated into two groups. 301 (my group)+ 302. and 303 + 302.) explained that we had to meet back there at 11:30. We ate, went to the gift shop, and the lake.
When our group met back and by the time we were outside the Bake and Brew house, RC and RH left to go to th b-room, and when we got back, I saw him wake up as he heard our voices. He was a little better than before confused . On the bus, he was half sleeping, but he kept on dropping his things from the gift shop so I held it for him.
Angel, RH, and my conversation:
"Hey.. I've been wondering.... What kind of girl do you like RH?" I said.
"Um............ I dunno sweatdrop " RH said.
"How about you Angel? What kind of girl do you like?" I said, turning to Angel.
"Umm rofl " He said.
"We know who you like, we want to know what kind of personality." RH and I said.
"Oo.. ok. Umm... confused Nice, "Cheap" (doesn't buy a lot of clothes and shoes and accessories), Gentle, Smart, have things in common with me." Angel said., "How about you, Lisa?"
"Ummmm...... I like people a bit more to the lonely side sweatdrop " I said.
*takes forever trying to get RH to answer my questions*
"You like......." I said, "Jia Min mixed with Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura!"
"What did you talk about me??" Jia Min yells and then pinches RH.
" sweatdrop We weren't talknig about you as in you personally... We ended up with his dream girl is you mixed with Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura." I said.
*Me and RH talks about Cardcaptor Sakura*
*End of conversation*
While we were trying to ask him the quetions, RC woke up and asked for water sweatdrop . I think Angel might be jealous... since he likes me.
While waiting for my teacher, I asked RC, RH, and Angel who are their best friends in the class. Angel said me, RC, and RH. RC said me, Angel, and RH. RH said he dunno.. then he said me, RC, and Angel. They asked me, and I said, "Of course, RC, RH, and Angel 3nodding "
After we pack up, we then go to an assembly. Then we go home.
*End of Flashback*
Today RC isn't here today . I hope he feels a lot better and comes to school tomorrow, I might give him a hug 4laugh . I miss him cry .